And now for something completely unecessary...
2:10 p.m. on 06-16-02

101 Things About Me

1. I've seen these things around Diaryland, and they seem like fun.

2. I like doing surveys.

3. A lot.

4. They are really fun.

5. You know, those e-mail surveys your friends send you.

6. I also like getting my picture taken, and taking pictures.

7. Not like, a LOT, but I don't mind it. Most girls/women seem to hate it. This leads me to believe that...

8. I'm hot.

9. Well, lukewarm, anyway.

10. Even though I was "the fat kid" throughout elementary/middle school. But I used humor as a defense mechanism so I didn't get made fun of that much.

11. But then I joined Weight Watchers, and lost 30 or so pounds. And I grew about 5 inches. (But the growing is a result of puberty, not of a weight loss program).

12. And so here I am.

13. Humor is still a popular defense mechanism of mine.

14. I'm not skinny, but I'm definetly not fat.

15. To give you an idea, I'm 5'7" or 5'8" and around 140 pounds.

15.5. I think that's ok, right? It feels ok to me.

16. Like the number I'm on, I am 16.

17. And on October 15, I'll be 17.

18. I'm younger than your average 18 year old.

19. Because I'm 16.

20. I like drama.

21. Not Mary J. Blige style drama.

22. The kind of drama that makes you write songs called "No Mo' Drama"

23. No, I like the acting type of drama.

24. It's pretty neat.

25. I'd say.

26. This is sort of hard.

27. I think I'm cheating.

28. But whatever.

29. So anyway.

30. I want to be famous.

31. I used to drink water out of straws at drinking fountains when I was little.

32. It seemed to be a good idea at the time.

33. I have an older sister.

34. She's actually my half-sister. But she's way rad. So I like to consider her my full-on sister sister.

35. She's a total hippie, in the best kind of way.

36. She made me my Prom dress. It's made out of ties. But I didn't wear that one this year.

37. So Prom...that was pretty fun. I like my date. I have a big crush on he and his beautiful brain.

38. He dances really funny. But then, so do I.

39. I dance like Forrest Gump and Elaine from "Seinfeld"'s love child.

40. It's just more fun that way.

41. I think people who dance like they're having sex are total jokes.

42. Because sex and dancing are different things. I think. I don't do either very well, so I could be wrong.

43. My parents used to be Vietnam War protesting, commune living, beat-poetry writing, Dylan listening, drug using, full-on liberaliscious hippies.

44. And have raised me as such.

45. I mean, not to the extreme. Just, we're a pretty liberal family.

46. Which is unusual, because we live in Carroll County, Maryland.

47. Some (ok, most) of my friends think I'm pretty spoiled.

48. Just because I don't need to have a job, and I have lots of clothes. And a car.

49. Even though I don't drive.

50. I'm just lucky, I guess.

51. I have all these opportunities -- I'd be a fool if I didn't take advantage of at least some of them.

52. I don't have a job.

53. I have never had a job.

54. I probably won't need a job until I'm in college.

55. Even then, I probably won't need it, but I don't want to seem like a total lazy-ass, so I'll get one.

56. I don't do much homework.

57. But I get by alright.

58. I always tell myself before I leave the house that I'm not going to wear any makeup.

59. But then I chicken out and put on a little mascara.

60. My parents are kind of old. They're 58 and 60, respectfully.

61. I think this is their cruel way of making me have kids when I'm young, so they'll be able to watch them grow up.

62. But that's not going to happen.

63. I mean, I'll have kids...

64. But not until I'm at least 30.

65. They have names, my offspring.

66. The boys are Ethan, Neil, or Gavin.

67. The girls are Summer, Euphony, or Camelot.

68. They will hate me.

69. But haha.

70. They can't do anything about it.

71. I play guitar.

72. For about a year now.

73. I'm also a vegetarian.

74. Because eating things that were once living, breathing, thinking things is really fucked up.

75. It's almost like eating your grandmother. Almost.

76. And humans are the only mammal who need to cook their meat before they eat it.

77. So that should tell us something right there.

78. Most animals just dig right in to some carcas.

79. But we have to sterilize it and load it up with paprika.

79.5. Blech.

80. I put stuff off until it is absolutely necessary that it be completed. In turn, I am always late for everything.

81. I don't really listen to the radio that much.

82. But I do listen to The Eels, Flaming Lips, Weezer, Pavement, Ben Folds Five, Stereolab, Belle and Sebastian, Ani DiFranco, Radiohead, Superdrag, Portishead, Ozma, The Velvet Underground, Simon and Garfunkel, The Strokes, Smashing Pumpkins, Promise Ring, Foo Fighters, Hole, Sleater Kinney, Jimmy Eat World, They Might Be Giants, and...well...many others.

83. I have a bloody awful cold right now.

84. I proudly shop at Goodwill.

85. But I'm not emo.

86. Seriouslly.

87. Your mom is emo.

88. But not me.

89. I got an 1140 on my SAT's.

90. I find high school to be incredibly funny.

91. Just everything about it; the cliques, the rules, the customs, the dances, the traditions, the attitudes. It's highly humerous to me. It's like a pretend world.

92. But I do like it. A lot.

93. I think I'll miss it a lot, too.

94. I'm a Discovery Science channel junkie. Cosmic Saturdays rock my universe. Because space is cool.

95. I want to die in a black hole.

96. I'm pretty bad at math and science and stuff.

97. But I highly enjoy english and history.

98. So I suppose I'm pretty right-brained.

99. My dad is a psychologist. I'm kind of scared that he secretly analyzes me and that I'm crazy. But whatever.

100. I'm a Libra.

101. And that's all I have to say about that.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1