lame ass surveys don't just write themselves, you know.
10:28 p.m. on 05-25-05

1) My uncle: died before I was born
2) Never in my life: have I seen "Goonies."
3) When I was five: I dressed up in my dragon costume after school, and cried at school because I missed my parents.
4) High school was: okay.
5) I will never forget: my 5's time tables (hopefully).
6) I once met: Edward Norton.
7) There�s this girl I know who: eats cucumbers WHOLE AND RAW.
8) Once, at a bar: people drank.
9) By noon I�m usually: awake.
10) Last night: WE KIND OF MADE A BLANKET FORT! and I did laundry. Also, Sarah and I were going to watch a movie but my new, clean sheets put the sleeper-hold on me.
11) If I only had: a pegasus. Or my iPod and computer all fixed. Or the desire to go running tonight.
12) Next time I go to church, I: love penguins.
13) Terri Schiavo: she gone.
14) What worries me most: that I will never orgasm from oral sex and that I won't be cool when I'm thirty.
15) When I turn my head left, I see: a wall with a picture of Christiana and some dude.
16) When I turn my head right, I see: my side of the room. First thing I saw was towels.
17) You know I�m lying when I say: "your tube top looks amazing."
18) What I miss most about the eighties: drowning caterpillars in my backyard. No, no, seriously? Marc Summers.
19) If I were a character written by Shakespeare, I�d be: anne frank r sumthin. shit i dunno. wtf.
20) By this time next year: we will probably be seeing a lot more of Wilmer Valderramma in the tabloids.
21) This time last year: I WAS OUT OF SCHOOL, THAT'S FOR SURE.
22) I have a hard time understanding: math.
23) If I ever go back to school I�ll: do it naked.
24) You know I like you if: I give you a noogie.
25) If I won an award, the first person I�d thank would be: my parents, for having sex.
26) Quine, Kierkegaard, Bentham, Rawls: thraxy burble nermkapp?
27) Take my advice, never: wash your hands after you pee.
28) My ideal breakfast is: lunch.
29) A song I love, but do not have is: nonexistant.
30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: giving me back massages (or front, if you're cute).
31) Tulips, character flaws, microchips: do it, do it, do it.
32) Why won�t anyone: PLAY HIDE AND GO SEEK WITH ME?!?
33) If you spend the night at my house, don�t: masturbate.
34) I�d stop my wedding for: Dustin Hoffman.
35) The world could do without: hippies, football, and plastic surgery.
36) My favourite blonde is: Meghan Martyn.
37) Paper clips are more useful than: Hilary Duff.
38) If I do anything well, it�s: noticable.
39) One decision that consistently haunts me is: last year stupid college transfers blahablahalbalhablabalbalbalabablbajessicalbatrossblah.
40) And by the way: Lindsay and Matt are coming tomorrow.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1