the same people who don't eat at McDonalds because it's "bad for you" are the same people who make a point out of bragging about how they "never watch TV"
12:05 p.m. on 02-10-05

I think it's really funny to go to the gym and see all of these unattractive people with amazing bodies.

They have become their overcompensation.

It kind of sucks being attractive. I'm never all that motivated to get that to-die-for bod that will evidently bring a greater portion of boys to the yard.

I mean, it would be pretty incredible to have looks, style, and body all combined. For now I can just settle with two and a half out of the three, I guess. (I give myself a half point for body because I think it's in a really nice shape, it should just somehow be more "toned" or "tight" or "not pastey," according to today's beauty standards.)


So I lost my nosering at this dance-type party on Friday, but I also got some pretty awesome head to make up for it.

Although, this is the only action I have received this quarter. This is downright shoddy in comparison with my off the radar skills last quarter. Downright shoddy. I think it's past due time for a boinkfest.


Even though I am not particularly religious, I always like to give up a little something for Lent because I'm all for holidays that sound like asian mispronounciations of the word "rent."

I am toying with the idea of giving up drinking through straws. Thought about giving up using the right side of my body so I can train my left side just in case I get a stroke or something.

I think that Ashlee Simpson should give up life, because she clearly sucks at it.

But seriously, I think I am going to give up going to give up my algebra class. WHAT THE FUCK. Math for three hours. What a terrible, terrible habit.

I am also going to give up making fun of people. I feel like it is severely bad for my soul.

But I am really freaking good at it.

And I like it when I'm good at things.

Wait a minute...

Giving up something... I... like doing... because... ?

Okay Lent is fucking retarded, nevermind.

What kind of a name is "lent," anyway? It doesn't even sound like a real word.

Speaking of things totally not related to this topic, my totally tubular roommate and I copied off of Matt Anglen and his totally tubular roommate's idea made up themed days of the week:

Greet People with Condiments Monday
Don't Touch Yourself Even if it Itches Tuesday
Say "Boombastic" to One Random Person on the Street Wednesday
Denounce Cell Phones and Scoff at Cell Phone Users Thursday
Hide Until Someone Finds You Friday
Tell One Person Your True Feelings About Them Even/Especially if You Hate Them Saturday
Good Samaritan Sunday

In a related story, I caught the "boombastic" bug and I think it is the most hilarious fake word ever invented to just to sound cool ever.

And I have some really fun pictures! But I also have no really fun no-connector cable to my camera!

Oh and I am walking for AIDS in Washington D.C. for $20 on February 26-28. Actually, I'd say it's more that I am going to D.C. for $20 with a bunch of my friends, and AIDS can come along for the ride... I mean... I guess? But AIDS is always kind of a downer, despite its all-caps appearence. Just brings the whole mood down. The group dynamic totally changes when AIDS comes into the room. But I feel bad not bringing it along or inviting it to things, you know?


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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1