every time I take a shit all I can think about is how unpleasant anal sex must feel.
11:12 p.m. on 01-18-05

Recent findings in the Megan's Raspberry Yogurt Study report that Yoplait's "Thick and Creamy" variety takes the proverbial cake in deliciousness.

And who even knew what carbs tasted like? I never realized how much I took these little guys for granted until I delved into the "Ultra" low-carb variety (bought solely for arguement's sake).

I do not understand this low-carb phenomenon. I also hate trendily abbrieviating things like "carbs" (unless it is meant to make an ironic statement), but I hate misspelling the entire word more, so I will succomb to the masses.


So this yogurt study.

Here is how that came to be:

At Dominick's they were having a special "you should probably buy five of these if you want super savings" sale on Yoplait. As I was gleefully selecting a rainbow of flavors, I noticed that there were about seven varieties of consistencies from which I could choose.

Being a girl of the indecisive persuasion, this was bad news.


My friend Mattie suggested I buy one flavor in five different consistencies.

And raspberry is fucking good.

Thus, the Megan's Raspberry Yogurt Study is born.

Oh, on a side note, the most depressing thing I have read today was from my sociology reading homework where the author quotes Garfield (of all cats!) unfunnily talking about his distaste for Mondays.


Anyway, in short: Thick and Creamy owns, Whipped is a close second (but I think you really have to be in the mood for it), Original is classicly nummy, Light is OBVIOUSLY and forgettably low-fat, and Low-carb Ultra can suck it.


So after airport hopping and shopping all over the freaking city, I plopped back to my room circa 6:30 last night. I then find my Chicago Reader lying out to the music page, and see that Bright Eyes is playing *TONIGHT AT 6:30*.

Though I was too pooped to pop, I have been meaning to check out this kid's live show if not solely for the high esteem for him held by Matt and Seth.

So I flew it solo.

Only to find it was sold out.

Only to find some kid who sold me a ticket for $30.

Only to find the Riviera is an annoyingly huge theater.

But as fate would have it, I got to a place to stand with a view to die for.

The only price I had to pay for such good fortune was to be completely surrounded (no joke) by high school kids making out.


I am not that big a smoker. I will smoke on occasion, but do not like doing it at shows because there is no circulation space and come on, it's just plain rude to do it indoors.

But! I make exceptions for 16 year old gropers.

It is a rare day when I have two cigarettes.

During the opening bands I smoked four cloves and blew it all in their happy, pimpley faces, then devilishly cackled inside (and a little outside, too!).

I was all prepared if their teeny weeny boyfriends told me to put it out, too. I was going to say, "HA! Me stop smoking? More like... YOU STOP MAKING OUT IN MY FACE."

It didn't help their situation at all that the couple in front of me included a girl with one of those retarded J. Lo newsboy hats and clean Chuck Taylors.

ANYWAY the show was freaking fantastic, any and all doubts of me liking this guy were made bunk after seeing him play the drums with his guitar!

I have come to the conclusion that I prefer going to dance-y shows with friends, and mellow shows alone. This and Belle & Sebastian were two of the best concerts of my life, and I shared them both with the company of myself.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1