half of the time we're gone and we don't know where (and we don't know where)
1:59 a.m. on 09-29-04

So I'm trying to go to sleep right now but there are loud drunk kids who are loudly and drunkenly quoting Dave Chappelle and yelling for Marta to wake up and join them.

I would say I'm never going to get drunk again, but I don't watch Dave Chapelle and only slighly know one girl named Marta in my english class, so I really don't think I'm all that annoying.

It also totally kicks ass having a room located directly above where everyone in the world likes to smoke.

As it turns out, drunk people really like smoking, too.

I can't believe it's Tuesday night as I'm writing this.

Tuesday night.

But ennyweigh.

Tonight as I was crossing the street this guy was blasting "Army" by Ben Folds Five while waiting for the crowd of college kids to cross.


But he didn't see me.

I might as well have just screamed, "LOOK, I'M REALLY STUUUUUUUUUUPID!"

I also yoinked my iPod off of my sweatpants as I was working out and it fell from the second to the first level and everyone in the club proceeded to stare first at the iPod that fell from the sky, and then at the sweaty lass who tripped down the stairs to retrieve it.

I might as well have just screamed, "LOOK, I'M REALLY STUUUUUUUUUUPID!"

Today was not a banner day in the world of me being cool (which is a pretty small world, anyway).

I mean, I'm cool in a "I'm too cool to be cool" kinda way. Dig it?

I'm actually a little concerned that I'm turning into "that indie rock artsy girl with short black hair, nose ring, messenger bag, white belt, Saucony shoes, and ironic goodwill attire who thinks she's unique in her fashion choices but actually looks like every other 'individual' out there."

I think there might be some kind of subliminal advertising that up and coming bands from New York are implanting in the bopping heads of young consumers.

Oh well. I look hot.

Speaking of which, apparently it's "weird" and "somewhat invasive" that I sometimes walk around in my underwear. Ya know, like in the morning or after naps or before bed.

Like undies and a t-shirt.

This is what I wear to bed. It's fucking hot in here.

And it's an all girl's floor.



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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1