College, pt. 2
3:49 a.m. on 09-10-04

Know what?

I wish you didn't have to get to know someone before you were allowed to decide whether you like them or not.

Because I am 75% positive that I am going to dislike a good number of the people I have been meeting here, and there's just a lot of unnecessary smalltalk that could easily be avoided if all the interesting people could just stop hiding already.

It sucks that the majority of people existing today know the fundamentals of functioning in the social world. It's not very often when you come across a completely inept person, so it's easy enough to get along with pretty much everyone at a surface level.

It takes time and effort to really dislike somebody.

I've been having identical conversations with people lately.

It's got me thinking.

Think of all the time I could be saving when I'm talking to someone I'm just going to end up disliking/having lukewarm sentiments towards.

Time spent talking with douchebags is time wasted on future friends.

We do our dance. It goes a little something like this:

Me: Hey

You: Hi

Me: I'm Megan, what's your name?

You: Gregretallisonicoleric

Me: Wow, you're going to have to tell me that a billion times, I'm really bad with names.

You: Yeah, me too! I've been meeting so many people here!

Me: me too, it's nuts!

You: yeah, really! So what's your major?

Me: Psychology, what's yours?

You: I'm undecided.

Me: Hm. Interesting. What classes are you taking?

You: Well, I have Belvip Quantis 103, Honors Frespotity, Intro to Smagtail Rendoblankis, and my Explore Chicago class is Trakkis: Veeming Smerts of Greater Jacimony. What about you?

Me: Well, I was in the last orientation so --


Me: yup! So I didn't get any classes in my major, but I'm taking all women's studies and philosophy classes instead.

You: oooooOOOOOoooh. Sounds like fun. So where do you live?

Me: Corcoran


Me: Hahaha. Yeah, it sucks waking up all sweaty, but other than that it's fine. Where do you live?

You: Cliftonfullfertonmunroebeldenracineuniversityhall.

Me: I hear it's nice there.

You: Yeah but it's so unfriendly! The doors are always closed! Where's the party at!?

Me: I don't know

You: So you smoke up?

Me: Probably not with people like you

You: Sweet! Party on Dibbly street Friday!

Me: Well nice meeting you

You: You too!

And that's that.

And I mean, I'm meeting tons of potentially and definetly awesome people here, too.

But I don't want to be all, "I'm Megan, your new clingy best buddy who laughs at your jokes and borrows your band dvd's so give me your number and we'll totally get matching cell phone covers!!!!!!11"

Ya know?

So I'm remaining somewhat aloof, while still giving out samples of the Megan flavor.


There's such a secret inner working that goes on when it comes to interacting with people. The reasons why people do/don't do things are so unbelievably wacky.

It halfway makes me want to cloister away in some blanket fort all day.

It also halfway really fascinates me and makes me want to wake up in the morning.


Today I learned that my philosophy of gender class requires a prerequisite I don't have which involves me knowing pretty much the complete history of philosophy.

Which I don't.

But today we went out on the street and asked people what sex/gender meant to them.

Apparently, Socrates did this kind of thing a lot?

Just went up to people and asked them random questions about life. (Though in his day, there were probably a lot less Spanish cleaning ladies and hobos, so it was probably not nearly as fun.)

I'm already kinda swooning him.

So I think regardless of workload, I'm going to stick with this one.

Blahdeblahdeblah. Classes shmlasses.

I don't know why I'm writing about my classes. I'm sick of shooting the shit about classes. I think I'm turning into a conversational robot.

My roommate is never here so I pretty much have the room to myself. It's nice but lonely. I'm rediscovering cool things like masturbation, and how fun it is to eat carrots and then floss and find buried treasure.

I also spend a lot of time wandering the city or drifting in and out of rooms and being the token weirdbutfriendly girl who offers floormates bubble wrap.

And slightly modifies message board phrases to less sensical but more rhyme-y ones.

I am recieved well by theater kids, but am getting mixed reviews from business students... which is just the way I like it!

I still don't really know my way around here, which is okay because getting lost here is comparable to getting lost in a sea of pizza and high fives.

I'm still in love with this school.

And this city.

But not in that order.

The order is flipped.

But just by a couple points.

Dig it.

Oh, also, FYI: there's a poem and some really neat pictures behind this entry. For some reason I'm feeling compelled to write in this more and cover up the ambiguous, neat stuff I had going on before I wrote this stinker.

(Anyone else notice that I said "pretty much" about 12 times throughout the course of this?)

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1