those goggles led to a pretty intense squabble with some rednecks at McDonalds
8:27 p.m. on 08-20-04

Event #1: While driving through Reisterstown with the windows down last week, I thought to myself in passing, hm, it kinda smells like pepper. (The spice, not the vegetable.)

Event #2: A few days later while driving through the same area with Seth and Lindsay, I idly made a similar comment because I noticed it still smelled like pepper (the spice, not the vegetable).

Event #3: Today my mom was driving me back from getting my cast off and we were passing through the same area. She was on the phone with my dad and randomly said, "it smells wonderful, we're just passing by the spice factory!"

I was unaware of the spice factory's existence up until today, when by chance I overheard my mom's relatively insignificant comment.

I now understand why it smells like pepper in some parts of Reisterstown, Maryland.

My point is this: if there really is some kind of cosmic design and everything happens for a reason...

They're running out of interesting ideas.


Also, prepare yourselves for some communal showering antics, Depaul:

P.S.: I just got an iPod for my early birthday present. It is a bitch to upload every single CD I own (over 200, y'all), but it's okay because I have been fooling around with hands down, the most attractive boy I have ever seen up close in my life. I seriously would be fine with never having sex with Joaquin Phoenix now, because this kid is like his hotter cousin who is better at drums.

(The reason why those two topics belong in the same sentence is because they are both FRICKEN AWESOME.)

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1