11:45 a.m. on 08-03-04

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I've been doing a lot of stuff and having a normal okay good bad whatever everything but overall fantastic summer and there are pictures I was going to put up just now but I am lazy instead.

I drive for legal now. But I still don't have/need/desire a job. So I'm almost a real live grown-up!

And Deep Creek Lake with Lindsay + my fam - my sister + my grandma's loud, extremely conservative and racist boyfriend = one wacky week!

It rained a lot and I made "jokes" about Joaquin Phoenix's name because we saw The Village about eleventy billion times. Or, twice. But twice is enough.

Jokes is in quotes because it was just me being all, "I'm Joaquin on sunshine, yeah yeah! And don't it feel GOOD!... Joaquin on, Joaquin on broken glaaaaaass yeah... Dead Man Joaquin... " "Hey, check this shit out: 'Joaquin' kinda sounds like 'walking.' That. Is. Hilarious!"



Bad weather and grannies really bring out the jokesy-uncle-who-tells-you-to-pull-his-finger in me.

We also knit (knitted? knat?) some scarves and skiied some jets.

And we had a heart to heart. And we cried. And I love that girl. A lot. A bundle. A bushel and a peck. I think that we are soulfriends because we have similar boxer shorts and identical sweatshirts.

Okay, here are the primary reasons why Lindsay Kishter is my best friend foreva eva:

1. This face.

2. This hair. (actual size, folks!)

3. This tree.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1