1:52 a.m. on 05-25-04

You know, I've always thought that despite all of the inherent differences we tell ourselves we have, deep down at the caramel-filled center, people are all generally the same.

We have the same ingredients: two tablespoons semen, one ovary. Mix together and shake well, then let ripen for nine months.

Then bap. Person. People. We're all people. We all cry and laugh and fart and love and die.

So it's silly that we fight all of these wars and hate each other for being however we are or loving whoever we love or believing whatever we believe, right?


I've always thought this.

Until recently.

I've been seeing these people every day that live identically mediocre lives of working, complaining, not caring, and generally going through the day in an obliviously detached mental state.

They hit their children in supermarkets and go to church. They pick up McDonalds on the way to the football game. They make racist jokes and scratch their itching beer bellies through American flag t-shirts. They unload a round or two at the firing range and sup up their cars.

They highlight their hair and burn their skin to attract a mate who will take them out clubbing and buy them things. They gloss their lips and glue on fake nails. They coldly and lovelessly get pregnant and coldly and lovelessly raise the baby because they'll go to Hell if they don't.

These are the majority of people I come across.

It's like the assembly line got jammed and no one fixed the mistake, and now there are hoards of people like this living in towns like mine ALL OVER THE PLACE.

I mean, people like this are the majority of our country. This is the common perception of "an American."

And I think, if there is some kind of nuclear holocaust or oil recession or meteor collision and all of these people died -- I really wouldn't mind.

I don't know if that makes me just as bad as they are. I don't think I care.

This country just gets less and less worth saving every day.

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1