"I have a crush on every boy!" - the ugly one
12:01 p.m. on 05-03-04

So my dad and grandma just got autographed pictures sent to them from George W. Bush because they are registered Democrats over 60.

The captions in these pictures are thanking them for "supporting the National Republican Committee."

Great strategy there, George.

Confuse the old, cranky liberals into thinking they're actually Republicans. You can definetly sway their affections with a glossy photograph of yourself.

"Aww, he sent me a picture! Maybe pro-life is the way to go!"

I kinda wish I played darts, because I've always wanted to be one of those cool, obsessive bad guys who throws darts at pictures of their rivals.

I also recieved a postcard from Brian with one of his 30-word stories on the back.

"Her grandpa always grumbled, 'any hill's a mountain when ya ain't got legs.' She scorned him because she didn't know she was crippled and never thought she'd wrinkle so young."

See, I would definetly vote for Brian Brubach.

I think Dubya needs to start writing some 30-word stories on postcards and sending them to Democrats.

"There was a beady-eyed boy who sought revenge on his father's nemisis. He made the whole wide world hate him and his country, and probably looks really funny naked.

P.S. Vote Bush!"


There's a word that sounds exactly like what it means.

Also, despite this whole "10-hour rehearsal day" thing, I'm actually really starting to enjoy being a part of this play. It kinda sucks that I've taken so long to warm up to this group, because it's going to be over soon and it'll just be another play that I miss being in.

So you should probably come see it.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1