When did I decide that these entry titles had to start being relevant to the entry?
12:24 p.m. on 03-30-04

Okay, nevermind, life is peachy.

Because I just found my (read: COLOR!) Gameboy from 1998.

I think Nintendo expected the integration of color into Gameboys to have the same impact as it did when they developed Technicolor at the movies.

The problem with that idea is they never had one of those crossover, "black and white becomes color" games, like The Wizard of Oz. You know, something to sweep you off your feet.


I bought it when I was thirteen so I could exorcise painful childhood memories of never having video games.

I have a color Gameboy and the only game I have is Tetris.

This means it is the new, "improved" version of Tetris. This means it no longer features the Korobeinikiikiikiki song. This means I have to listen to Ozma while playing to remind myself of better days when video game soundtracks consisted of Russian folk songs. (Not that that's a chore, sometimes I'm just nostalgic for that sweet, plinky-plink digital sound).

Now that I'm older and wiser, I've come to the conclusion that while at the time it seemed cool, it was pretty worthless of me to get a color version if the only game I wanted to play was Tetris. Color graphics in exchange for catchy, hype-you-up tunes?! Bad deal.

Growing up, I never got to have a video game console. Or cable t.v. Or Cheetos.

So I had to go over to my friends houses and force them at plastic gunpoint to put Duck Hunt in the ol' 64.

And then we'd watch Nickelodeon.

And eat unhealthy snacks.

You know, the forbidden fruit factor of it just made it all the more enjoyable. Thank you, Mom and Dad.

But I'm still buying my kids a Nintendo.

Because I don't want them to be "that kid who sucks at Mario Kart" at parties. Or, well, me.

Wait -- I mean... not that I go to Mario Kart parties or anything... um.

Look, an eagle!

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