go go gadget bullshit
3:47 p.m. on 03-12-04

Dear Bill Largess,

I'm just going to come right out and say it -- we both know that I'm the only kid in class who actually listens to you. Your nineteenth century theater rhetoric is really interesting to me, really! In case you haven't noticed, I leave class each day with at least one page of notes and a beaming smile on my face.

We both know that I read "The Cherry Orchard" and thought it was wonderful and sad and funny and messed up and Russian. Through discussion in class Wednesday, you expressed a similar sentiment, which leads me to believe that you have also read "The Cherry Orchard." Therefore, what good would it do to have one more page-long summary virtually identical to the seven others you have recieved?

I'm not going to be unveiling any deep social truths in this synopsis. I'm not going to be funny or interesting. I'm just going to vomit it right back out at you, and misspell names dominated by the letters "v," "y," "s," and "a."

Do you really want to sit down and read that? Honestly?

I have put more energy and thought into a request to not write this synopsis than it would probably take to write two equally dull synopsi. Synopsises. Synopsisisises.

Anyway, you're a cool teacher, so I think you'll understand.

Your student,

Margaret Boyle

P.S. -- I hope you don't mind, but sometimes I forget that my real name is "Margaret," so from now on I will be referring to myself as "Marge in Charge." I apologize for any inconvenient setbacks in taking attendence this has caused.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1