Every day she wears the same thing / I think she smokes pot / She's everything I want / She's everything I'm not
11:23 p.m. on 03-09-04

When know someone from a distance, you can make up whatever you want about who they are.

There's this boy in the play who wears the exact same thing every day: grey-green pants that probably used to be more vibrant and now the fly always unzips itself, a faded black t-shirt (tucked in), a black belt, a light grey sweatshirt, and black sneakers with ridiculously long laces.

Every day.

Why does he do this.

I'm not criticizing his fashion choices or anything -- it works on him, really -- you just don't very often see people wearing the exact same thing every day unless they're in prison, some sort of religious figure, or Charlie Brown.

I'm thinking he is leaning towards the Charlie Brown approach. His head is kind of disproportionate to his body. Someone must have told him this early on. He found his niche. He's working it.

He also smells really good -- I mention this because if I wore the same thing every day, I would not be winning any good smelling contests. But this guy would definetly rank somewhere somewhere between "detergent fresh" and "manly summer breeze."

He's one of those people where it's weird to imagine that they have had an entire life of experiences. It feels weird picturing him turning seven or opening Christmas presents or fighting with his mom.

However, I've recently discovered that it is not weird to imagine him feeding ducks or dropping his lunch tray.

How long has he been wearing the same thing?

Is he the world's biggest Justin Timberlake fan, and after a concert one night he somehow snuck backstage and Justin complimented him on his snazzy attire and maybe gave him a friendly straight guy arm punch or something -- so now it's like, "Oh. My. God. Justin. Touched. This." so now he won't ever wear anything else?

Because that would be weird.

Or maybe it's some kind of silent protest against the fashion industry.

Or maybe all of his other clothes got lost in baggage claim and he is the laziest person in the tri-state area.

Maybe it's a contest with his buddy. Like, they're playing Chicken with clothes -- first one to stop wearing the same thing every day rides off the proverbial cliff to their doom.

Or maybe he is just living the dream of wearing the same thing every day. The ultimate test in restraint.

I don't think it's that he's a personality dud -- he's actually pretty funny and personable.

I really want to ask him about it. But it might offend him. Maybe he thinks nobody notices. Maybe I'm the only one who notices.

How do you bring something like that up, anyway? "So, I heard you were wearing the same thing every day. How's that working out?"

He also has the exact same face, voice, hair, and body every day.

He has never once showed up for rehearsal sporting fifty extra pounds or a tracheotomy.

He is so the same. All the time.

And that is fine by me.

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