4:40 a.m. on 01-21-04

This took me like, three days.

When I started it, I didn't plan on finishing it. Alas, I got sucked in

But I'm really proud of myself now that I've finished it. It takes a lot of self-discipline to complete a task as mundane and pointless as this.

(1) The singular most boring question: Do you, uh, yahoo?

(2) Are you happy with it? With what, my chapstick? Yeah, it's okay I guess.

(3) Are you named after anyone? Margaret is my dad's mom, Megan is this lady from the classic 80's miniseries "The Thornbirds," and Matlock is something my mom made up for fun. Boyle just came with the family.

(4) Do you like monster trucks? That seems like a weird question to follow-up "are you named after anyone" with.

(5) Your screenname: beckdoESTHERobot, I am bad at sex

(7) Then what would you name your children? Jonas

(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? I think I was going to be either Colin or Michael-David

(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt -- wait, no -- his name is my name, too!

(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? Sure but whatev.

(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? I've actually put some thought into this. I like Megan Matlock. Or Matlock Boyle (that is so damn zesty!). I've got four names, the possibilities are endless. Or maybe there are just sixteen possibilities.




(12) Your sex: female

(13) Straight/gay/bi? straight

(14) Single? like a dingle

(15) Want to be? I don't mind

(16) Really: "It would be cooler if it snowed boyfriends." -me, tonight. Talking about snow.

(17) Are you happy with your age: as a clam

(18) Age you act: I act as if Megan were 18.

(19) Age you wish you were: I wonder what I'll be like when I'm 37. But I don't wish I were 37.

(20) Your height: 5'7"

(21) The color of your eyes: greenishyesque

(22) Happy with it? I don't think about it too much

(23) The color of your hair: A few weeks ago I tried to dye it blonde and black and red all at the same time because sometimes I am stupid. But now it's just auburny with black highlights.

(24) Happy with it? It's ever-changing. I'll get bored with it.

(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? I'm a righty, but I love the kids who say they're ambidextrous just because they can write very poorly with their non-dominant hand.

(26) Your living arrangement? ex-roomie, now-daughterie

(27) Your family: I dig, I dig

(28) Pet? Lady the potatodog, Puffy the cat, and Weezer the cat

(29) What's your job: STUDent

(30) Piercings? eeeeeeeeeeears

(31) Tattoos? I have one on my ankle of an Emily Hubley drawing from Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

(32) Obsessions? I totally hate those Lord of the Rings movies. And I definetly do not have a big scary crush on Elijah Wood. I am also most definetly not in denial.

(33) Addictions? Well... might as well face it, I'm addicted to love.

(35) Do you speak another language? I used to be pretty good at French, but I haven't studied it for almost a year.

(36) Have a favorite quote? Mo Rocca is probably saying it right now.

(37) Do you have a webpage? I have a diaryland.


DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it


(38) Do you live in the moment? I think it would be a waste not to. People who focus too much on the past and the future get too caught up in something that will never happen if they don't concentrate on what's going on now. Yeah, or something.

(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? Everyone except minorities. (rim shot!)

(40) Do you have any secrets? No, everyone knows that I love amateur po-- no, wait... they don't...

(41) Do you hate yourself? No, but I have a shirt that says "I HATE MY SELF AND I WANT TO DIE" that is covered in hearts and rainbows.

(42) Do you like your handwriting? do I?!

(43) Do you have any bad habits? I pick wedgies. They're not mine. Not really, because that is invasive and gross.

(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? A lot of people stop me on the street to compliment me on my coat. This one lady told me she thought it was "bangin'!"

(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? "2Fast 2Furious," without a doubt

(46) What's your biggest fear? Scary stuff, mainly

(47) Can you sing? I got 4 years a lessons that says I can sure as shit chirp a ditty like the best of 'em. So, yes.

(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? That would be pointless. I'm the person people pretend they are.

(49) Are you a loner? I was at UArts, not by choice. But by my nature I like being around people.

(50) What are you top priorities in life? Making VH1's 200 Greatest Pop Icons list.

(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Not only would I be my friend, I would probably slip me a little roofie.

(52) Are you a daredevil? omgz liek in my fav movie "DAREDEVIL" starring dreamy creamy pants Ben Affleck!?!? OMGX0RZ TOTALLY!!!!!!111

(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? No, my fear and loathing is mainly centered in Las Vegas.

(54) Are you passive or aggressive? I can be both, but I think I'm normally pretty passive.

(55) Have you got a journal? YOU BET YOUR ASS

(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? Strength: I can find humor in almost any situation. Weakness: I procrastinate like no other.

(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would have moonbounce feet.

(58) There are three wells: love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one. Which one do you choose? Creativity, because I bet it tastes like Pop Rocks with the volume turned up to 12.


(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? Yes, very

(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? I forget where I heard this, but it's something like... "I have no regrets, because at one time I was doing what I wanted and what seemed like a good idea." Something like that. But honestly, I do regret some stuff.

(62) Do you think life has been good so far? Awesome

(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Even though some people seem like assholes, we're all pretty much the same inside. There's good in everybody. I haven't actually learned that, it's more of a hypothesis.

(64) What do you like the most about your body? I like my face a lot. And my figure. My hair is also cool. And my eyebrows. Goddamn, I am a package deal.

(65) And least? The boobies could be a little bigger, but I'm nit-picking here.

(66) Do you think you are good looking? Surely you jest.

(67) Are you confident? Most of the livelong day

(68) What is the fictional character you're most like? Batman

(69) Do people know how you feel? I think so

(70) Are you perceived wrongly? No, everyone has a reason for percieving me the way they do




(71) Have sex? That would be neat

(72) Eat your vegetables? But of course

(73) Read the newspaper? Nope

(74) Pray? Not in a prescribed "you were bad, apologize to God. REPENT, REPENT!" way

(75) Go to church? No

(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? Only if they say something interesting

(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? Noooooooooooooyes.

(78) Take walks in the rain? That's not nearly as romantic as it sounds. Wait, yes it is.

(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? That's all I did last semester!

(80) Drive? I got my learner's permit two weeks ago

(81) Like to drive fast? I'm a regular renegade. Hell's Volvos.




(82) Liked your voice? That is one weird way to ask that question. "Have you ever"?! What is that?! "Yeah, this one time I really liked my voice. Boy, that was great."

(83) Hurt yourself? Not intentionally

(84) Been out of the country? Sure have

(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? This one time I ate a hotdog, but that made Kristin Riddle vomit

(86) Had sex? Every time I come close, something happens to prevent it from happening. So I think it's the Universe telling me not to lose it to just any shmuck with a penis.

(87) Been unfaithful? No

(88) Been in love? I'm not sure. So probably, no.

(89) Been on a boat? Yep

(90) Gone skinny dipping? Have I?! Naked?! In the WATER?!!? At NIGHT?!?! It's just like being a fetus again!

(91) Had a medical emergency? Yup

(92) Had a surgery? Yup

(93) Ran away from home? For seven minutes

(94) Played strip poker? Nope

(95) Gotten beaten up? No

(96) Beaten someone up? No

(97) Been picked on? Fat Kids in Elementary School, come on and raise up!

(98) Been on stage? Surely you jest.

(99) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: No, but one time I was so drunk that I did really stupid stuff and felt like vomitting later.

(100) Slept outdoors? Summer of '95, Girl Scout Camp. Okay, funny story about camp -- we were in these tents with four girls to a tent and wooden floors but they were still outdoors. So the first night there everyone was pretending to be asleep except for my friend Tess who was really asleep. All of a sudden she got up and started sleep-pacing all over the tent for a few minutes, and then just kind of stopped in the middle of the floor and stood there for about 30 seconds and then she started PEEING HER PANTS! I was like, "TESS! WAKE UP! YOU ARE SOILING YOURSELF!" But she didn't wake up, she just calmly walked back to bed. It was so funny I think I peed myself. Too bad our tent smelled like pee for the rest of the week.

(101) Thought about suicide? I want to know the douche that answers "yes" just so they can get self-loathing pity me points.

(102) Pulled an all-nighter? You better believe it

(103) If yes, what is your record? Um... all... night... long... ? (All night, all night!) All niiiight long! Oh god, bad idea... every time I hear even a hint of the phrase "all night long" then that's the only song I hear in my head for at least three days. Lionel Richie sings the soundtrack to my own personal hell.

(104) Gone one day without food? Pwobably

(105) Talked on the phone all night? ALL NIGHT LONG! (Alll night, all night!) ALL NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT LONG! OH STOP ME STOP ME STOP ME!

(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first? That is the best ever.

(107) slept all day? ALL DAAAY LONG... all... daaay... all.

(108) Killed someone? Totally

(109) Made out with a stranger? That's fun until you realize you're making out with a stranger.

(110) Had sex with a stranger? I had sex with Mo Rocca but he doesn't know it yet.

(111) Thought you're going crazy? I'm a college student

(112) Kissed the same sex? HAHAHAHA. YUP!

(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? If you would consider that sexual

(114) Been betrayed? Icky ickpoo

(115) Had a dream that came true? When I was in 4th grade I dreamt that I married Johnathan Taylor Thomas. We'll see about that.

(116) Broken the law? No, but I broke a lamp once.

(117) Met a famous person? And this one time I met Edward Norton and he touched my hand and I turned to gold.

(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? No, I kill the varnmints ON PURPOSE.

(121) On purpose? Oh. Wow, this question totally stole the my last answer's thunder.

(122) Had sex? Yes, I just had sex in the time it took me to get from #86 to #122.

(123) With more then 1 person? There were four of us

(124) Threesome? No, four

(125) Orgy? One could call it a small orgy.

(126) Whipped cream? At Rob Lowe's request

(127) Bondage? At Clay Aiken's request

(128) Whipped/gotten whipped? No, Indiana Jones couldn't make it

(129) Blindfolded? Neither could Stevie Wonder

(130) Tied someone up/been tied up? I'm wondering when it's going to be appropriate to quote this, but I don't think it will ever be, so, "There's no wrong way to fuck a girl with no legs." --Adam Green. On a side note, getting tied up would be all kinds of dirty fun.

(131) Ridden a roller coaster? Like no other

(132) Ridden an upsidedown roller coaster? A right side up rollercoaster is a waste of my time.

(133) Made out in a movie theatre? People do that. And brag about it. That makes me sad inside.

(135) Gone camping? Not with the fam

(136) Cheated on a test? Sure

(137) Had a cavity? Wee little ones

(138) Snorted something? One time I inhaled really intensely when I didn't know a fruit fly was on my nostril. I was like, "oh shit. Good luck getting outta there, little buddy."

(139) Eaten a flower? I used to eat Honeysuckles, but not the flower part

(140) Eaten play dough? Bad idea at any age

(141) Eaten a crayon? Probably not

(142) Driven someone else's car? Yup

(143) Played video games for 24 hour straight? No, 24 hours GAY! HAWHAWHAWHAWHHAWHWA!! SHOOTENANNY!

(144) Lied? Yes. I have also breathed, blinked, and walked, in case you were wondering.

(145) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? I don't think so, but if I did, sorry.

(146) Stolen anything? Yeah, but just stuff nobody wants. You know, like flat screen t.v.'s, stereos, money... whatev.

(147) Been on radio/tv? TEE VEE!

(148) Been in a mosh-pit? Yeah, it's cool to punch sweaty strangers. They totally deserve it.

(149) Had a nervous breakdown? No, but my theme song needs a br-br-br-breeeeeakdown.

(150) Considered religious vocation? "Vocation" and "vacation" are just one letter away from being the same word, which I think sucks for them. They're opposites!

(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance? I've gotten a critique, by request.

(152) Bungee jumped? SURE HAVEN'T!

(153) Had a dream that kept coming back? I have, but I can't remember it.


CLOTHES and other fashion shit


Hey, don't say "shit."

(154) Shoe brand? I was wearing flip floppy sandals clear up until mid-January. Socks... and shoelaces... ?! Way too much hassle.

(155) Clothes brand? Many

(156) Cologne/perfume? Victoria's Secret "Love Spell." I don't care if everyone else does too, it makes me smell like girl candy.

(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work? Jeans or corderoys and a goofy shirt. With layers.

(158) How about parties? I have a tuxedo sweater. It's a hoot.

(159) Wear hats? I'd say the hats wear me.

(160) Judge other people by their clothing? Not "judge" -- more like, "evaluate and scrutinize"

(161) Wear make-up? Not a lot

(162) Favourite place to shop? Oh boy. Everywhere. I like Urban Outfitters and Goodwill the best.

(163) Favourite article of clothing? My coat. It is unrivaled.

(164) Are you trendy? I set my own trends. I go through weird Megan phases.

(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? Only if it consists of a shirt that says "CHOOSE LIFE" and tiny little boy shorts. Oh, and only if I'm still in Wham(!).




(166) Believe in life on other planets? Yep

(167) Miracles? Sure

(168) Astrology? I'm an astrology junkie

(169) Magic? Sure, I like Lord of the Rings.

(170) God? Yep

(171) Satan? Nope

(172) Santa? He is my dad

(173) Ghosts? I guess so

(174) Luck? Yep

(178) Love at first sight? No

(176) Yin and Yang (that good can't exist without the bad)? Yeah, contrast is necessary

(177) Witches? They're not like... a mythical entity. People actually practice Wicca. That's like asking, "do you believe in Jews?"

(178) Easter bunny? YOU BET YOUR PUNK-ASS I DON'T

(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? That would be cool

(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? No, it's probably just some guy farting out a rainbow.

(181) Do you wish on stars? Like, celebrity stars.




(182) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? No

(183) Do you think God has a gender? No

(184) Do you think that science counteracts religion? No

(185) Do you believe in organized religion? I don't agree with it

(186) Where do you think we go when we die? A higher plane of existence (see: String Theory)




(187) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yup

(188) Who is your best friend? Probably not Lindsay Kishter.

(189) Who's the one person that knows most about you? Lindsay or mom

(190) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? "Say it in your head before you say it out loud." Actually, that's what Katie's mom said to her when she was a little girl.


(192) Thing you're picked on most about? Being Megan

(193) Who's your longest known friend? I've known all of my close friends since 8th/9th grade

(194) Newest? The roomies

(195) Shyest? Kerry... sometimes

(196) Funniest? I have no un-funny friends.

(197) Sweetest? What the hell does "sweet" mean, anyway?

(198) Closest? Heather was a pretty close talker.

(199) Weirdest? Kelly

(200) Smartest? Everyone is really smart... Jen is a double bio/english major + German minor, so she definetly gets most ambitious points.

(201) Ditziest? I don't talk with those

(202) Friends you miss being close to the most? Stephanie, Seth, Tereasa and Jen.

(203) Last person you talked to online? Katie, but SHE DOESN'T KNOW IT'S MEEEEEE!

(204) Who do you talk to most online? Lindsay McOnlineTalker

(205) Who are you on the phone with most? Lindsay McPhoneTalker

(206) Who do you trust most? All of em.

(207) Who listens to your problems? My friends

(208) Who do you fight most with? I'm a lova not a fighta

(209) Who's the nicest? That's like, "who's the most average?" Having friends is cool because you don't have to use generic adjectives to describe them.

(210) Who's the most outgoing? Kelly? I don't know. This survey is making me feel like I don't have many friends. It's quality, not quantity.

(211) Who's the best singer? Feeby

(212) Who's on your shit-list? That's a list people you like aren't supposed to be on!

(213) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? No, I just fantasize about having sex with strangers.

(214) Who's your second family? The Kishtaz

(215) Do you always feel understood? Unless I'm in a non-English speaking country.

(216) Who's the loudest friend? We're all pretty loud when we get together. People give us the "shut up" look a lot.

(217) Do you trust others easily? Sure

(218) Who do you know the best? I know them all really well, but probably Lindsay. Wait. "Probably?" Who am I kidding.

(219) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: No one at the moment. You guys need to beef up.

(220) Do your friends know you? (insert sarcastic "of course they know me, they're my friends" comment)

(221) Friend that lives farthest away: Kim and Feeby live in California


LOVE, and all that


(222) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Should I be?

(223) Do you remember your first love? First crush

(224) Still love him/her? Nope

(225) Do you consider love a mistake? Absolutely not

(226) What do you find romantic? Little cute stuff, totally random out of the blue sweet things. Not to cliche it up, but I think holding hands is one of the mose romantic things ever.

(227) Turn-on? Physically: mouth, HANDS, voice. Mentally: humor, intelligence, talent. The norm.

(228) Turn-off? Any guy participating in MTV's Spring Break.

(229) First kiss? First kiss = Alex Butler in first grade. First KISS kiss = Brian Johnson at NCSA.

(231) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: Flattered

(232) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? I think anyone would prefer familiarity.

(233) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? I honestly don't feel that social tension when it comes to asking guys out. If I think he'll say yes, then I'll do it.

(235) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Well, yeah. What's up, Jack Black?

(236) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? There's no doubt in my mind.

(237) What is best about the opposite sex? The harmonious contrast; the way being around a guy I like makes me feel all floaty and tingley.

(238) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? Obliviousness. Sometimes you guys don't pick up on stuff.

(245) Do you read porn? I don't READ it

(246) Read the articles? I look at the naked people having sex

(247) Just the pics? It's so much more to me than "just the pics."

(248) What's the last present someone gave you? My parents bought me a new bed and stuff.

(249) Are you in love? With this school

(250) Do you consider your significant other hot? My signficant other right now is my right hand. It's pretty cute.

(251) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? I would hug them with my brainwaves.




(252) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? Yeah, I have been struck by the penis envy. Well, not penis envy. More like, "how can you guys walk with penises?"

(253) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do? I'd take pictures that make my penis look like a nose.

(254) What do you love most about the other gender? See: #237

(255) What do you dislike most? See: #238

(256) What is one thing you understand least about the opposite sex? Why do you guys like butts so much?

(257) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? General style.




(258) What is your fave possession? My pictures. And please don't say "fave."

(259) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? A new camera.

(260) How badly do you want it? Not bad enough.

(261) Have you ever seen The Exorcist? Yes...

(262) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? It's still processing. Like... Exorcist... little posessed girl? That's a bold stretch, Mr. Questionnaire..




(263) That haunted you? I hope nobody

(263) You wanted to kill? My grandmother is a horrible, horrible person. I don't want to kill her, she just needs to die.

(264) That you laughed at? My mom

(265) That laughed at you? My mom

(266) That turned you on? OH MY GOD IGGY. AHHHHH. GIRLBONER. RIGHT NOW.

(267) You went shopping with? Ummm... wow, it's been awhile since I've shopped. I think it was at the Inner Harbor with a large hoard of people.

(268) That broke your heart? I wouldn't call what Edward did "breaking my heart," more like "making me go WHAAA!?!" If you dump Megan, she will tell lots of people that YOUR PENIS LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE ALF'S NOSE.

(269) To disappoint you? George Bush. State of the Union shmunion.

(270) To ask you out? Um, wow. Was it Ed? No... yes? No, it was this guy Colin who I met at a party this summer. But I said no. Or maybe I just stopped responding to his phone calls. Oh boy. I suck so bad.

(271) To make you cry? My mom and me were doing Mad Libs today and there was this really funny one and we were both crying because we were laughing really hard.

(272) To brighten up your day? Iggy... .

(273) That you thought about? I was thinking about who brightened my day the most, and then I thought of Iggy yesterday. He's just. He's just smile.

(274) You saw a movie with? Lindsay and me totally did not go to see Return of the King last week. We also did not cry.

(275) You talked to on the phone? Lindsay

(276) You talked to through IM/ICQ? You guys already asked me that.

(278) You saw? My parents

(279) You lost? Like, died? My half-step grandmother.

(280) You went head over heels for? Yet to be determined.

(281) You thought was completely N-U-T-Z? Hawhawhaw. "Nutz."

(282) You wanted to be? I was actually wondering what it would be like to be a cartoon today. But then I decided you probably would never know, because you're a cartoon.

(283) You told to fuck off? These people behind me in the smoothie line last night. They almost butt in front of me, so I gave them the "over the shoulder death glance."

(284) You trusted? The workers at Tampax

(285) You turned down? UArts.




(286) Smiled? Earlier tonight

(287) Laughed? Earlier tonight

(288) Cried? Cried because I was sad? Yesterday.

(289) Bought something? I bought lunch today.

(290) Danced? I belly danced earlier tonight.

(291) Were sarcastic? Like... question 200something

(292) Kissed someone? Mid-December

(293) Talked to an ex? Last week

(294) Watched your fave movie? It's been awhile, sweet, sweet Hedwig Robinson.

(295) Had a nightmare? Last night I dreamed that these guys from my old school hung a huge pair of stuffed overalls from a tree with a sign on them that said "I'M VIRILE!". It was unsettling.

(296) Talked on the phone? Yesterday

(297) Listened to the radio? Today in the car with MOM

(298) Watched TV? Today

(299) Went out? Today

(300) Helped someone? I let this girl butt in front of me yesterday

(301) Been mean? I was pretty distant with AJ yesterday. I had really mean thoughts going on, so I think that counts.

(302) Sang? Today

(303) Saw a movie? It's been awhile

(304) Said "I love you"? Tonight

(305) Missed someone? Tonight

(305) Fought with a family member? My dad and me a week or so ago when I was driving.

(306) Fought with a friend? Not in like, forever? I've bickered.

(307) Had a serious conversation? Today

(308) Wrote in your LJ? My Lavish Jaundice? Lethal Jettison? Livid Jockey?

(309) Drank alcohol? Not since the night I woke up in my own vomit.

(310) Sneezed? Earlier today


A LAST TIME for everything...


(311) Last book you read: I'm in the middle of The DaVinci Code and the Collected Works of Chistopher Durang

(312) Last movie you saw: I can't remember. I watched some end of something last night.

(313) Last song you heard: "Bunnyranch" - Adam Green

(314) Last thing you had to drink: Water

(315) Last time you showered: This morning

(316) Last thing you ate: Cocoa Puffs

(317) Last CD you bought: I just purchased the "Sunny 16" and "The Bens" EP's by Ben Folds.

(318) Last thing you bought: A chicken sandwich




(319) What are you going to do? Put new sheets on my new bed

(320) Will it be with your significant other? Nope

(321) Or some random person? No, but that would make it a lot more interesting.

(322) What are you wearing right now? My MC Hammer pants and an old shirt from freshman year and socks. Or as I like to call it, "pajamas."

(323) Body-part you're touching right now: I just itched my left shoulder

(324) What are you worried about right now? Next semester

(325) What book are you reading? See question whateverIansweredthis

(326) What's on your mousepad? The "Sick Sad World" Daria thingy. It's from 8th grade.

(328) Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: sleepy, crampy, excited, relieved, optimistic

(329) Are you bored? I'm on question 329 of quite possibly the world's longest pointless questionnaire. So, yes.

(330) Are you tired? Yes, it's almost 4 in the AM.

(331) Are you talking to anyone online? Nope

(332) Are you talking to anyone on the phone? I hate the phone

(333) Are you lonely or content? Content

(334) Are you listening to music? Yep, Adam Green - "Friends of Mine." Good stuff.




(335) Do you laugh when you hear the number 69? No, because oral sex is no laughing matter. And neither are numbers divisible by 3.

(336) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? Not lying, just tongue-in-cheek-ing.

(337) Do you actually know your social security number? I've said/written it down about six times today.

(338) Do you actually know your IP address? No

(339) Do you know what an IP address is? Yes

(340) Do you know the four-character extension on your zip-code? No, but good question.

(341) Have you ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? Many times

(342) Does your head hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc? No, it makes me feel like WHOA.

(343) What do you think of pi? FABULOUS MOVIE. AND NUMBER. TOPS ALL AROUND.

344) Have you got a fave number? 12, and Pi (of course)

(345) How many rings before you take the phone? Two, so I can see who's calling

(346) Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Maybe

(347) How many CD's do you have? I know it's over 200.




(348) Mac or PC? PC

(349) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer? Not much.

(350) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversations? I hate instant messages. And the phone.

(351) Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or telephone? Yes, which is partially why I don't like it. It's a general feeling of disconnection that just makes me feel kind of antsy and sad at the same time.

(352) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? Yes, a "Beat it!" Michael Jackson t-shirt that I didn't realize was BABY'S size M. Not child's. Not adult's. BABY'S. One could find this really ironic now.

(353) How much time do you spend online each week? I have DSL, fool

(354) Is the internet one of the modern things you could never live without? I would miss it for a little bit, but then I would probably be okay.

(355) Do you even receive snailmail letters anymore? They're the best

(356) Send any? Yeah, I will more often

(357) What's your fave smiley? The one with the tilty mouth who looks kind of regretful/confused.

(358) If you could meet anyone in the world, living or not, who would it be? Adam Green, because I'm convinced he will totally love me.

(359) Who is your idol? Edward Norton and Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen is the funniest person I've never met.

(360) What band has the funniest name? Lindsay and I offer a band-name-making-up service. I think my favorite is "Asian By Default."

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1