I found the song Fluxuation/Reggie & the Full Effect makes fun of: "The Ghost in You" - Psychedellic Furs
3:55 p.m. on 08-24-03

I would like to take this opportunity to thank VH1 for creating the perfect television show: "I Love the 70's," because it makes me feel all happy and squishy and laugh-y inside.

It has also caused me to embark on an Abba-downloading extravaganza.

"Can you hear the drums, Fernandooooo?"

Come on now. That's a great song. Great song. I'm not ashamed to say that it gets me a little misty. Well, maybe a little ashamed...

I have also recently fallen in love with ex-Daily Show media gadfly Mo Rocca.

Really, truly, and seriously.

Those glasses. That tiny speech impediment. The witty commentary. The mystery. The intrigue.

The man:

I have made up my mind that I am going to marry a man just like (if not the Mo himself) Mr. Rocca. It is just going to happen. No question.

Except it would make for awkward bedroom situations, i.e., "Oh, Mo! Do it to me, Mo Rocca! Gimme mo', Mo!"

(Okay, minus 30 points for that shining example of white girl humor)

(Not that I would actually say cheesey jazz like that in the throes of passion, I'm just saying... you know... it would be weird if I did.)

But I can't rat on his name; my middle name is Matlock, and I'm not a crime solving silver fox.

On a side note, I think there should definetly be more two letter names that aren't Mo or Chinese.

This whole "existance of Mo Rocca" thing has got me to thinking...

Megan's Ideal Boyfriend
Or, as I like to call it, the "MIB"

-Ben Folds' musical skills and body
-Mo Rocca's witty commentary and, for lack of a better term, miscellaneous.
-The Jonathan's website
-Steve Martin's sense of humor
-Mark Wahlberg's third nipple
-Wes Bentley's striking good looks and intensity
-John Cameron Mitchell's mouth and voice
-Elton John's wardrobe
-Beck's Beckness... and hands
-Strongbad's e-mails
-King Missile's mentality
-Brad Pitt's pants
-Douglas Adams' frickin' awesomeness
-Jon Stewart's t.v. show
-Smoove B's sentiment towards the ladies
-Edward Norton

And there you have it.

I just realized that three of the guys on that list are primarily internet-based.

In recent news, I am a dork.

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me, naked!!1