I never tire of these.
7:35 p.m. on 08-14-03

2 years ago, I :

1. Just got back from vacation in Europe with the parentals
2. Was preparing Katie's surprise party with Stephanie Wright, whom it would be an understatement to say I've (unfortunately) lost touch with.
3. Thought I was the shit
4. Was the shit
5. Wanted to touch Rivers Cuomo in the pants

1 year ago, I :

1. Just got back from Summer Session at NCSA
2. Was being patronized by Mom because I looked like a pothead (translation: didn't shower for awhile, and wore lots of Goodwill clothes)
3. Really disliked someone named Laura, and really liked someone named Brian
4. Started smoking
5. Stopped smoking

Yesterday (starting at midnight Tues/Wednesday night), I :

1. Got my period
2. Played cards and had milk and cookies with the Louks's, and then talked/did the video game thang with Kirsten until about 5:00 in the a.m.
3. Went to the physical therapist and discovered that my left arm is almost frozen into some weird position
4. Ate at the Double T Diner with Mom
5. Watched Primal Fear

Today (Thursday), I :

1. Woke up at 1:00 and decided that going to work was not necessary for my happiness and well-being.
2. Watched Best in Show and laughed a lot, especially at the part where Jennifer Coolidge says, "we both really love soup. And talking or not talking. We could talk or not talk for hours."
3. Talked with Katie and decided we're doing something grand for her birthday Saturday.
4. Perfected the art of casual napping
5. Watched Must See TV. Well, I'm about to. I MUST SEE IT! MUST! SEE!

5 items I have brand loyalty to :

1. Invisaligns, I guess. They're in my mouth for the next year. And that's what I call loyalty.
2. Coke -- in all aspects, kicks Pepsi's proverbial soft drink ass.
3. Lean Pockets turkey, broccoli and cheese variety.
4. Softlips french vanilla chapstick
5. The fruity orange sort of Herbal Essences. It makes me want to eat my hair. But I don't.

5 songs I know all the words to, even without music :

1. "Gin & Juice" - Snoop Dogg
2. "Army" (or pretty much any song by Ben Folds/Five)
3. Anything from Hedwig and the Angry Inch. I'm not kidding. Try me. I'll harmonize with your punk ass.
4. "Comfort Eagle" - Cake
5. The theme song from "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" - William Smith

5 things I would buy with $100,000:

1. A reliable automobile for Lindsay
2. South Dakota (I'm sure the U.S. doesn't want it anymore, and would probably take it for no less than $50)
3. A night of hot sex with John Cameron Mitchell. For $150, he'd go straight for me. (Come on, it's me).
4. A sitar. Why? Why the fuck not. I've got 100 grand. I'll buy one for you and your momma, and your baby momma, and your baby momma's momma. I do what I want!
5. Lots of clothes from the really expensive part of Nordstroms. And by "the really expensive part of Nordstroms," I mean, Nordstroms.

Last 5 CD's in your CD player:

1. Sleater-Kinney - "Dig Me Out"
2. Hot Hot Heat - "Hot Hot Heat"
3. Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks - "Pig Lib"
4. Belle & Sebastian - "If You're Feeling Sinister"
5. The Cure - "Galore" -- I must say, the worst $7 spent on a CD I thought I'd enjoy. But try listening to more than three songs in a row and you'll want to cut a cat in half. Or maybe just draw a picture of a cat and RIP IT BEYOND RECOGNITION.

Top 5 locations I'd like to run away to :

1. Venice, Paris, Florence, Capri... any of those beautiful Mediterranean places...
2. New York City
3. Iceland (but not for long, I'd get really stir-crazy because of that wack sunlight schedule)
4. Australia (their WINTER is our SUMMER... ! Talk about, you know, OPPOSITE LAND...)
5. Your house

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1