"The genuine article, I do not sing -- I sling, though. If anything... I bling, yo." - Jay-Z
11:07 a.m. on 07-12-03

Let me just say right now for the record, that new Beyonce song "Crazy in Love" KICKS MY ASS.

I mean. Seriously. It's got me in some kind of judo-hold, because it's on repeat and I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO IT.

It's just good. Catchy-like.

But anyway.

Are you aware that I suck at laser tag? Because I do.

But it's fun to come up with strategies with Katie, Tereasa, and Jen like we should just play with REAL guns.

It would shorten the game, but the impact would be a lot more intense.

Or we could all just stand in there and refuse to shoot anything. You know. In protest.

Which was pretty much the strategy we ended up using. We formed an alliance/human wall. We just kind of sat in a corner and tried to cover ourselves.

And then if Jesus was playing on the opposing team he would just talk all of us out of shooting each other and we'd probably go out for ice cream or something.

There was also this guy there who was about 45 with a tank top on that said "I'M THE DAD. NO ONE ELSE CAN COMPETE. BECAUSE IT IS ME. THE DAD." or something like that.

His strategy was to hit me as many times as possible.

He made me uncomfortable.

He was obviously some kind of pro who plays laser tag like, every day.

Unfortunatly we couldn't choose who we wanted to play with.

Because there were these boys there who looked too emo to hit anyone. And if I killed them with my super cool laser powers, they'd probably start crying and write a song about it.

Except this one boy looked kind of normal. I stress the words "kind of".

He had really poofy hair and a homemade Ozma headband. Except he spelled Ozma with an "s".

So I really wanted to kick his ass.

Next time.

I'd like to close this entry with a link to my soulmate. If you like me, then you'll like him more.

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185 Things!!1
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me, naked!!1