Image is nothing, lobsters are everything.
12:27 a.m. on 07-08-03

Today my mom said something I thought was really wise.

She said that dreams are our constant reminder that reality is just an illusion, because they can feel so real and important at the moment and then as soon as we wake up they're (most of the time) completely irrational.

That pretty much sums up my philosophy on life. I mean, I kind of think all of this isn't real. It's very real now, but then after we die we... "wake up" in a way, I guess?

The universe is supposedly infinite... but science just studies the universe that we're aware of. There could be more. You know, in between the lines, I think.

Different dimensions... kind of. I can't put my finger on it. This sounds weird when I write it down, but I kind of think something just twists and a new world appears.

Well. It makes sense in my head. Really.

Or maybe we just die, and we're gone forever. But I honestly don't believe that. What purpose would that serve? That would make this entire world insignificant. And that's just too depressing.

Scientifically it makes sense, but like I said, our science only pertains to this universe.


I am putting too much effort into sounding really stupid.

So time to sound stupid without any effort at all:

Lindsay and I made a t-shirts. Mine says, "MEGAN IS AWESOME" and on the back says, "I AM MEGAN".

New idea -- wear THAT at orientation. Because everyone wants to be friends with the awesome kid.

Alright. Fin.

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1