She totally confused all the passing piranahs!
10:13 a.m. on 06-28-03

So today I woke up at 6:44 a.m. (I have figured out that "a.m." actually stands for Areallybadtimetogetupinthe Morning). Then I ran down Marriottsville Road 2.0 for 40 fricking minutes.

This was a bad idea.

Satan invented exercise.

Seriously. He did.

Which I don't understand, because I hear it is supposed to release endorphins to your brain to make you feel HAPPY. But it just made me want to flip off old ladies or something.

You know, like, "fuck you, you're old!"

(I don't question my thought process. Especially when I'm running at speeds up to 2 mph.)

But then I totally cancelled out the attempt at getting into shape, because I was like, "hey Mom! Let's go to McDonalds for breakfast and put the 'otcak' back in 'hotcakes'!"

But whatevuh. Those hotcakes were damn tasty, and I'm already in shape. It's a fat shape, but I like it. Well. Not fat. Just a Megan shaped shape.

The word "shape" just got really funny. It sounds like "sheep" in past tense.

Plus, I can get skinny again next fall. Because isn't sitting on your ass and eating Tostidos what summer is really all about?

Ok I'm done.

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