I love songs with jingle bells. And handclaps. And AL-TV is starting to become funny. That Celine Dion interview was golden.
6:25 p.m. on 06-24-03

There has got to be some kind of subliminal advertising going on behind Trading Spaces.

Because I honestly can't figure out what is so seemingly interesting about it. I usually hate decorating/home improvement shows.

Ever since I got back from the beach I have nothing to do. But it is really nice outside.

So I've been outside a lot. You know, sitting. Looking at things. Stuff like that.

I have also spent a considerable amount of time inside, looking at things that move. Like pictures on t.v., and my dog.

We've bonded.

I'm supposed to be working now... but I think my dad (a.k.a. the Boss Man) forgot about that. So maybe I won't work this summer.

Which is okay by me, because sitting is fucking awesome.

I'm trying to convince myself to take a shower.

It's not working.

Someone give me a project or... something... I'm not feeling the whole "Seduce Myles Kitchen" thing right now, because that would involve hygiene.

And I'm not that horny. I think I got enough action last week to last me at least two weeks. Maybe.

But two weeks time can easily be sucked into say, four days time -- if that time is spent not doing anything. This is some kind of Time Killer Theorem, I think.

Think. Pink. Sink. Podunk. Rink. Not many words end in "k."

I mean, well, actually a lot of them do; but you just don't think of words ending in "k." Know what I'm sayin'?

Eek. Someone. Help. I know it's possible to lose brain cells from drugs -- but can you lose them by... not doing anything at all?

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1