1:21 a.m. on 06-14-03

So rather than actually thinking of things to say, I'll just post some pictures of my week thus far.

It goes like this: Graduation practice > Home > Senior Follies > Senior Cruise > Another Grad practice

We also had a really long awards ceremony that I deemed picture unworthy. I would probably chew off my tongue with maddening boredom if it weren't for the acknowledgements and accolades I recieved from the drama department. Which was cool. I felt like a dramatics all star.

Man, I just gotta say that the senior cruise was a total sellout. I liked it so much better when it was underground, but now it has abandoned its original scene to go whore itself out to the masses. But it's okay, because I didn't have high expectations. At least I got a t-shirt.

We're kind of like TLC, only whiter and ever so slightly more wholesome.

Is there anything funnier than a dog butt with sunglasses? Honestly.

Mom and I as upperclass twits

Us at J&P's before the follies. I like asking waitresses to go out of their way and take pictures and stuff. I also like forgein saliva in my food.

Katie being mysterious or from the Cure or a donkey or something.

Crazysexycool... or more accurately, Goofyhairyweird

Black and white for dramatic, emotional appeal

It was raining. We had to run. We disapprove.

The Cookster and myself

I just thought this looked neat. Note Kelly's sarcastic respect for authority figures.

Eldersburg's sexiest future actuarial scientist (a.k.a. Myles) and myself. Yes I want another piece of that.

Two of the strangest boys at my school dressed up like Agent Smith and Neo for practice today... a situation practically screaming "photo op!"

Lindsay and random sleeping guy

Katie, me, and Pat... happily existing in my driveway. Hard to think of a caption for this puppy.

So there you have it. Thank you Wal-Mart for your fabulous picture CD's. And BB guns.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1