The double white shine on the blue hills of your prime.
3:45 p.m. on 04-20-03

So happy Easter/Passover/Marijuana Appreciation Day/belated Thai/Buddhist New Year.

Being politically correct requires a lot of /'s.

This has been a low key weekend. I like 'em like that. Sometimes.

And yes, it's official, I like John Mayer. Kinda. Ok. So he makes good music. Especially the song "3 x 5". I like that song a LOT! The warbley backround keyboard-ish riff reminds me of the theme song of the show "Reading Rainbow."

Speaking of my childhood...

And now, it is time for my Top 10 List of the Best Movies From My Childhood.

1. The Neverending Story (but neither of the sequels. except maybe the second one. maybe.)

2. The Phantom Tollbooth

3. Labyrinth

4. The Last Unicorn (which features a beautiful song that people everywhere should listen to called "That's All I've Got to Say")

5. The Point

6. The Secret of NIMH

7. Tie: Rikki Tikki Tavi / Tubby the Tuba

8. Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer

9. The My Little Pony Movie

10. The Dark Crystal

I have not seen one recent children's movie up to par with any of these. I worry for future generations.

But one thing's for sure, my kids will be die-hard 1980's fiends no matter what. Just like their momma.

And help, I need a new prospective name for a baby boy, because I just realized that the two that I like the most are also the names of the two creepiest people that I know.

Note: I am not actually pregnant... I just like having some names on hand.

And ignore what I said yesterday about re-incorporating chicken into my diet. That's not happening. Because hey, decaying muscle matter in my belly? That's bad!

I actually just ate some now and am feeling a strong urge to vomit.

And the song "Comfort Eagle" by Cake is certainly the greatest.

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me, naked!!1