I just want to misbehave / I just want to be your slave
3:01 p.m. on 04-07-03

"The bass line in 'Is This It' by the Strokes has got to be the happiest little ditty I've ever heard. Whenever I walk down the street on a sunny day, it just plays through my mind, and the world is a better place." - Brian "the man" Johnson

Funny thing happened. I was contemplating starting an annual "Save the Daylight" campaign. It was going to take place every year from April 6th to October 26th, and I would somehow arrange for everyone in the eastern hemisphere to set their clocks forward one hour, so as to conserve the rapidly dwindling ratio of light to dark time.

But apparantly, nature already took care of it for me.

But I did see Rent last night. It was good, as far as cult-classic, drama geek hipster plays go.

No, but seriouslly, it was good. Entertaining. I enjoyed it. There was much talent involved. I squirted some at the end, and got the goosebumps a few times.

And the other play, LHS's rendition of West Side Story, is going quite well. I'm glad to be in it kind of.

I like the people + atmosphere + free sex.

Well... or more accurately, just the first two.

And I'm very excited about college. I am so happy I could fart.

This is the first day in a long long while where I find myself at home on a weekday at 3:09 p.m. I don't know what to do.

It's kind of like when people who have been living alone in the wilderness for an extended period of time come back to civilisation and they don't know how to adjust so they sleep on the floor and won't use electricity.

Perhaps this is a bad analogy.

But too bad, guys. I'm too disoriented to think of a better one.

I guess I'll go watch t.v. or eat some yogurt or something... maybe... ?

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me, naked!!1