Phrench is phun.
5:29 p.m. on 02-10-03

Les deux vieux yeux veulent un peu d'oeufs, pour leur peux.

Which, I think, (very) roughly translates to: "The two old eyes want a little bit of eggs, for their strength." It doesn't really mean anything significant, unless one is describing a Dali painting... it's just fun to say.

And that's all I've done today, besides watch grotesque amounts of daytime t.v. and cough like the dickens.

Today was "Fake-Out Snow Day." I really hate days like today. The weather people (which sounds like a politically correct disco band) get you all psyched up for a hardcore snow storm resulting in school cancellings/delays, and then you wake up at 4:41 in the morning and the roads are still black.

It sucks out loud, friends. But I shouldn't be complaining, because I still didn't have to go to school.

Operation "Myles Kitchen World Tour" T-Shirt is currently on hiatus. If anyone knows how to work my limey printer/photo editing program, your service would be greatly appriciated.

End scene.

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