Benny! Benny! Benny and the Jetssssssssssssssssssss-ah!
11:24 p.m. on 01-28-03

Well everyone's writing about how tomorrow is the first day of our last semester of high school and all that jazz, so I suppose I'll jump on the ol' bandwagon.



Actually, nevermind, because my thoughts on the matter are neutral. Whatever "it" is, I don't think it has hit me completely yet. Which kind of sucks, because I tend to not pay much attention to time as a rule, so I take it for granted and end up missing out on all of the good stuff I'm supposed to fondly remember and cherish.

That was quasi-cynical. My apologies.

School. It's craptacular. I really can't think of a better "word" to describe it, because on one hand I really really like the people (well, my friends, anyway)... but then there's all of this other crappiness that I don't enjoy.


Well, let's talk about how I was alone in the car tonight waiting for my mom to get back and "The Safety Dance" came on the radio, so I started to do my own personal rendition of said dance, getting so into it that I didn't realize this big redneck-y type of guy had been staring at me for at least two choruses.

Then I started singing it to him.

Then he walked away.

It's fun to make strangers uncomfortable.

I bet it's also fun to be one of those ice cream taster guys. Mmm, boy.

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