5:29 p.m. on 01-21-03

You know you're really sick if being in a coma sounds like a pretty good idea.

Or if you really want to turn off the Oxiclean infomercial, but between mustering the effort it would take to pick up the remote and lying there in a half-asleep stupor -- you'll choose the latter.

And after about 15 minutes of that infomercial, Oxiclean sounds pretty fuckin' awesome.

You know, it's the one where they put the Oxiclean in the big vat of black liquid and it turns clear.

Because I always keep several big vats of black liquid lying around the house, and they're just begging to be clarified. It's nice to know that now there is a product to perform such a task.

But I am feeling minorly better now, so I think I should utilize this temporary energy to do something meaningful and productive - like talk to y'all at D-land.


Ha, it's finals week, too.

"Drag," as the Seth one would say.


Um, this whole "getting up" thing wasn't all it was cracked up to be. So I'm going back to bed.

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me, naked!!1