One for me, and one for my homies.
12:38 a.m. on 01-13-03

(I wrote this on Friday... well, actually I started it on Thursday but I was too tired to finish it. So then I wrote a little on Friday. And Saturday. And today is Sunday. Forgive me, friends, I've just been a bit too distracted to press the little "update" button.)

I feel obligated to update.

Because my life has been oh-so-busy this past week. And I kind of like it like that.

First of all, I'd suggest everyone setting their alarms to 0700 hours tomorrow morning so you can get up and watch the show "The Reppies" on the inspiration channel.

It's about bunch of people who dress up as �dinosaurs? and sing songs about Jesus. 'Nuff said.

On Thursday Seth + me attempted to make a shirt that read: "AFGHANISTAN IS FOR LOVERS." And I think that was a really good idea.

I also think Seth is a really good idea. And also, ditto, you wonderful, wonderful boy.

And, you know, just because I haven't sung the boy's praises enough so far... I <3 Sethbert Gayporn! He makes me roflmao. But for real. He does. He's tops.

Also, being in the Class Acts was an outstanding amount of fun.

On Friday the senior cast went to le Hut de Pizza and we serenaded our "rival school" with a verse of my acousticris (acoustic + Ludacris) song, "What's Your Fantasy?"

And last night was the pimptabulous cast party at the house of Tracy.

Beck was on PBS. Kevin Warner digs globes. Myles Kitchen digs unzipping his pants. I dig my brand new whoopee cushion.

I also dig my brand new cafeteria chair, stolen by way of a Ms. LinZ Nanette Kishtuh.

[end scene]

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