We're four boys in our corderoys, we're not terrific but we're competent.
12:02 a.m. on 12-13-02

Anna Nicole Smith is one freaky beast.

I watched her show tonight for about an hour to try to fill the void that exists between Must See T.V. and bed.

I think I'm kinda stupider now fer just havin', y'know, watched it 'n stuuuuuuff.

And I want Tuan and Bobby Trendy to get together. Real bad.

...Which got me to thinkin' about Jesus.

(Yeah, let's see you think of a better segway.)

Please feel free to insert any (and all) of the following words in this space: "Jesus _________ Christ!"

1. lawnmowing
2. tapdancing
3. deep-fried
4. bunny suit
5. $$$ (cash money)
6. extreme (though I prefer "EXTREME Jesus Christ!")
7. whole wheat
8. tyrannosaurus (or maybe just "Tyrannosaurus Christ!")
9. Dewy decimal
10. biodegradable
11. danger (because "Danger" is Jesus' middle name)
12. covalent
13. Wichita
14. needlepoint
15. fat free

It intensifies the exclamation more than a double shot of neon.

And to you religious fiends: no I'm not trying to offend your main man or anything.

I think he probably has a sense of humor, you know, being the son of God and all.

In fact, I think the old boy would rather enjoy a few colorful words thrown around in his name.

Because wouldn't you like to be known as Jessica "Toaster Oven" McGee?

Or little Frankie "Flapjacks" Feeny?

Wow, alliteration station.

Too much school for me.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1