You's a superstar boy, why you still up in the hood?
2:04 p.m. on 12-08-02

I'd like to start out by saying that snow days are my absolute favorite kind of day.

We should have many, many more of them throughout the course of the year.

They make me feel happier than the guy who patented those "hang in there, baby!" posters with the picture of the little kitten hanging off the tree on them.

Because that guy must have been really happy to think of something that cheesey.


So last night me, the Kelly and the LinZ hit it up Inner Harbor style.

Luckily, I brought along my mini-boom box.

At the metro station, we put on the Electric Slide and started dancing to it.

But no one else would dance with us, even though I'm sure we weren't the only ones who were alive in 1991.

Oh well. Ain't they fault they lack the groove.

When we got to the city, we walked around all thug-like to "The Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats, and some guy with a shovel followed us for awhile.

And Kelly was serenaded by her border-jumping boyfriend.

I said "me gusta chachitas" to him.

I think it means "I like boobies" in spanish.

We also decided to start a gang called the "G Force," because I was really enthusiastically telling everyone about how many g's a human can withstand without imploding or something.

I'm pretty sure it's 9.

But anyway, let me know if you want to be in it. We haven't decided what the terms for initiation will be yet, but it'll probably be along the lines of flashing Ian Wilson.

Or eating paper products.

Then we all crashed at mi casa and watched Donnie Darko for the bajillionth time and made a really crazy video.


And that, my friends, is as hip as white people get.

P.S. - In case you're wondering, yes, I am wearing shiny gold cheetah-print boxer shorts over my pants. It was a fashion suggestion from Kelly's mom.

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