"Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?" "Why do you wear that stupid man suit."
12:16 a.m. on 12-01-02

Disclaimer: This entry will be majorly rant-y and, for a lack of a better word, snerkish.

All day long I've been in Donnie Darko mode.

See, last night circa 2 a.m. it was on Cinemax, and seeing as how it had just started, and I just can't resist mind boggling indie flicks, I watched it.

Rarely do movies, well... move me.

Well, some move me to vomit with discontent. These are movies like, say, Fear Dot Com, or Glitter.

Others are just funny or fun to watch. Like Planet of the Dinosaurs or The Jerk.

Others are just blah. I forget what movies these consist of because they are so bland.

Others are very, very good, and leave me wanting more. These are movies like American Beauty and Amelie.

Others are very, very good, but eat me out (and not in a pleasurable way) and leave a big ol' black hole where my optimism towards humanity used to be. These are movies like Sophie's Choice, or basically anything starring Kevin Bacon.

But then there are movies like Donnie Darko. I am at a loss for words about how it makes me feel. It's probably the most perfect movie I've ever seen.

Were I to be a filmmaker, this is the film I would make.

It's probably God's favorite movie.

Plus, it is set in 1988. I think I'm a certified 80's fiend. I wish I had been older during them to really get the complete 80's experience.

I downloaded a large portion of the soundtrack today, and you should too. This is what it sounds like:

"The Killing Moon" - Echo & The Bunnymen (which is a wry coincidence considering one of the main characters)

"Love Will Tear Us Apart" - Joy Division

"Head Over Heels" - Tears For Fears

"Under The Milky Way Tonight" - The Church

"Mad World" - Gary Jules version (which is a beautiful, beautiful song... this guy is Michael Stipe's vocal twin.)

I've watched it 3 times within the past 24 hours.

And I'm still not sick of it.

In fact, I'm in denial that the movie is actually over. I think this is what being a Trekkie feels like.

Someone help.

I want to be Donnie Darko's girlfriend. Not Jake Gyllenhaal's. Donnie Darko's. It really sucks that he's not a real person, because I think he's my soul mate.

Jesus deep-fried Christ.

I'm such a weirdo.

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me, naked!!1