Fo' sheezy my neezy
9:14 a.m. on 11-28-02

If you're ever wondering whether or not you should go to Indiana, I can tell you right now that it's a bad idea.

But if you're ever wondering if you should spend more time with my mom, I'd say that's a good idea.

She and I get really goofy when we go on airplanes, or trips in general, really. I'm not sure why. I think for me it's just that people are so stressed out at airports, and it's fun to mess with them. But she's just weird like that.

At the airport, we pretended to be German tourists who didn't know what was going on.

We said "asshole" and "mother shitter" really loudly with heavy accents and then asked people if they were swear words.

I dig her.

She also says stuff like "and all this time you thought it was alcoholism, but it was really just a big character flaw."

My dad is cool too. But he gets kind of uptight when we go on vacation. So to make up for the uptightness, my mom and me become unnecessarily goofy. We are stupid to the max.

The purpose of this trip was to visit a college, though, so I think I'll write about that.

It's called Evansville University. It's small. But I like 'em small. Colleges, that is.

So apparantly it has this really good theater department and stuff... but over 600 kids audition for it a year, and only 6 (that's S-I-X) female performance majors are accepted.

Egad. Disheartening, to say the least.

And I like NCSA better anyway. Granted, it's just as (if not more) competitive, but whatever. I'm down wid dem.

Plus, I would be living in Indiana. That's Indiana, the "well, we're definetly not New York" state.

And at the hotel we stayed at, they had this interactive radio station thingy, where they would randomly play songs to the scenic backdrop of your choice.

You could skip over songs, too.

I freaking played with that thing for 3 hours.

I listened to a lot of Forgeiner and Prince whilst watching beautiful midwestern skyscapes.

"This is what it sounds like... when doves cryyyy."

Oh, Prince. You suck so badly. But it's ok. You are attractive in a weird, "why do I find you attractive?" kinda way.

Speaking of unattractive people who are oily pizza-face heads...

My mom ran into John Carriker yesterday. I used to want a piece of that. Bad. If you don't know this kid, then congradulations, but if you do... ick, right?

Anyway, today is Thanksgiving.

I must go fight with my grandmother about being a vegetarian now.

Peace out.

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