I am way too proud of this.
11:27 p.m. on 10-22-02

Do you remember back in elementary school learning about how in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue? Did it ever occur to your rapidly developing brain that the teachers who were teaching you this said information were being paid by the government? Did you know that sometimes, the government lies to you?

Is the world flat -- or is it just the man trying to bring us down?

The only reason why you're so certain of the Earth's roundness is because that's what you've been hearing ever since you started elementary school. Believing propaganda without questioning it? That's called brainwashing. That's what Hitler did.

Lets talk about shapes, shall we? Say, spheres. If you place a small action figurine on a beach ball, it will fall off. So why haven't we fallen off the Earth yet? It's just a big ball, right?

My opposing side would argue that "gravity" is the force keeping us on the Earth. You make ask me, "how can you prove gravity doesn't exist?" Well, friend, how can you prove it does? Come on, show me a handful of gravity, I dare ya!

Physicists have big, fancy-shmancy formulas for this said "gravity." These formulas are cryptic, vague and really don't make much sense to the layman. Why? Because they are shielding us from the truth that is right under our eyes -- gravity does not exist.

Have you, personally, ever seen the Earth in globe form? Of course you've seen pictures of the so-called "round" Earth. Pictures taken by the government. But have you ever physically seen a round Earth? Have you ever been into outer space, looked down at the Earth and said, "hey, they're right, it really is round!"? No, you haven't. So anything in outer space is really just speculation.

Only a few people have been into space, yet we have the technological capabilities for many, many more to. Maybe the government has just wasted all its money paying these few space travelers to keep quiet about the Earth's true shape, and that's why we're in so much debt.

Do you know how many missing persons there are in the world? Maybe these people haven't been kidnapped or murdered; maybe they just fell off the edge.

And why hasn't anyone dug through to China yet? Sure, you can dig pretty deep into the Earth, but that doesn't automatically make it spherical. It's just a really, really dense plane.

Some of you may have heard of the lost, supposedly underwater continent of Atlantis. Ever wonder why no one has found it? It's because it fell off the edge due to continental drift.

This whole round Earth model is a fairly recent idea, in terms of history. People believed the Earth to be flat up until the late 15th century. Aristotle, a very smart guy, proposed a flat Earth model. So why the sudden change in thinking?

Still don't believe me? Alright, go ahead, keep on believing your brainwashed, rounded-Earth belifs. But when you fall off the edge, I won't be there to catch you.


So that's my persuasive speech for Public Speaking.

And no, I don't really believe the Earth is flat.

But don't you think it could be just a little bit possible?

Come on, you know it could be.

And putting "said" in front of anything makes it sound a lot more shady and skeptical. So do quotation marks.

Like those said "pants" you're wearing.

Or that said "face" that's on your head.

I don't know how to end this said "entry."

So think I'll just stop my said "writing" and stop being a said "dweebie."

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