Intimidation station
12:13 a.m. on 10-04-02

I thought the old "blow their minds with weirdness" trick would work.

I was wrong.

TheHatGirl (11:05:24 PM): who this be?
TheHatGirl (11:05:41 PM): u tat gurl tat be writin on my hat?!
TheHatGirl (11:06:21 PM): I knows it u, my friend told me this ur IM
beckdoestherobot (11:06:47 PM): um
beckdoestherobot (11:06:53 PM): no, you must be mistaken
TheHatGirl (11:07:01 PM): I don't think so
TheHatGirl (11:07:17 PM): u callin me dumb now
TheHatGirl (11:07:25 PM): oh no u ain
TheHatGirl (11:07:27 PM): t
beckdoestherobot (11:08:02 PM): I'm sorry, who is this?
TheHatGirl (11:08:23 PM): oh now u be disrepecting me, gurl, you owes me $20 for tat hat
TheHatGirl (11:08:43 PM): I been watching you, I saws you at Walmart
beckdoestherobot (11:09:20 PM): oh hi, Pat
beckdoestherobot (11:10:55 PM): I am a broken record
beckdoestherobot (11:11:00 PM): I have bubble gum in my brain
TheHatGirl (11:11:22 PM): gurl, u is too dumb
beckdoestherobot (11:11:26 PM): I like lettuce
beckdoestherobot (11:13:04 PM): wombats are marsupials
TheHatGirl (11:13:30 PM): yo back gonna be a marsupial after I done wit u
beckdoestherobot (11:15:55 PM): neat

(...during this time lapse her friend instant messaged me, and we had words...)

TheFriend (11:11:50 PM): who you think you are gurl
beckdoestherobot (11:12:14 PM): my name is Herbert Crelmshaw
beckdoestherobot (11:12:21 PM): I am an advertising executive
TheFriend (11:13:10 PM): shut you fat face, i know you the gurl who destroied ma gurls hat
TheFriend (11:15:12 PM): you better pay her back tomorrow, i know you hear me, what suprised we found you
beckdoestherobot (11:15:42 PM): cool
TheFriend (11:16:21 PM): you're in for it gurl, you better pay up

(then she started warning me like wildfire, and I started realizing that these kids meant business)

beckdoestherobot (11:16:42 PM): eep
beckdoestherobot (11:16:46 PM): ok
TheFriend (11:17:04 PM): good
TheFriend (11:17:22 PM): it ain't cool damaging someone's stuff then not pay for it, ain't a cool thing
beckdoestherobot (11:17:27 PM): this is true
beckdoestherobot (11:17:37 PM): actually, I do feel pretty bad about it
TheFriend (11:17:46 PM): mmhh , better recognize
beckdoestherobot (11:17:50 PM): I can be stupid sometimes
beckdoestherobot (11:18:36 PM): just out of curiousity, how did you get my screen name?
TheFriend (11:19:38 PM): i got my connections
beckdoestherobot (11:19:53 PM): yes you do
TheFriend (11:20:35 PM): pls, don't touch other peeps stuff, espicialy my gurls stuff
beckdoestherobot (11:20:48 PM): no, I definetly won't
beckdoestherobot (11:20:54 PM): you kids have taught me a lesson
TheFriend (11:23:22 PM): good


beckdoestherobot (11:21:04 PM): Look, I truly am sorry about your hat... but I don't have $20 on me at the moment
beckdoestherobot (11:21:09 PM): can I give it to you Monday?
TheHatGirl (11:21:23 PM): u best recognize
beckdoestherobot (11:21:34 PM): yes, there will be recognition
beckdoestherobot (11:21:50 PM): I didn't know the hat held so much sentimental value
TheHatGirl (11:22:22 PM): oh no you ain't disrepectin me agin
beckdoestherobot (11:22:28 PM): no, I'm not!!
TheHatGirl (11:22:44 PM): bitch, u best watch yo shit
beckdoestherobot (11:23:09 PM): ok... um... what? I'm being serious now, I'm really sorry!!
beckdoestherobot (11:23:34 PM): I'll give you your $20 on Monday
beckdoestherobot (11:23:54 PM): I swear
beckdoestherobot (11:24:08 PM): and I do sincerely apologize
TheHatGirl (11:24:16 PM): I don't trust u crackas
beckdoestherobot (11:24:23 PM): you have my word
TheHatGirl (11:24:57 PM): bitch, just get out my face and step off
beckdoestherobot (11:25:20 PM): ok.


Ok, whichever one of you guys who gave her my screen name owes me $20.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1