Nerd phrase of the night: "wow, that mega-bites!"
11:48 p.m. on 09-16-02

And today at lunch Kelly and me sat at the table of freshman boys.

Small Asian Boy wasn't in school today.

I was bummed out.

But we made some interesting conversation anyway.

They really hate us, but it's quite comical. I told them that eating lunch with us was just like getting into a really cold swimming pool. It's shocking at first, but after awhile you get used to it and don't want to leave.

They responded with a mental flip-off.

It was beautiful.

So there's James (whom I affectionatly call "Jimmy"), Eric (who has a bowl cut and eats a lot of fruit), and Peter. At least I think his name is Peter.

He looks like a Peter.

Oh yeah! And then there's Billy. Billy doesn't talk much. Coincidentally, he was wearing a shirt today that said "you have the right to remain silent."

I said, "you know, Billy, just because it says it on your shirt doesn't mean you have to actively practice it."

Billy said nothing.

Kelly asked Jimmy what he did this weekend. He said he killed his mom. I said he probably shouldn't have mentioned that, seeing as how Billy clearly has the Miranda rights printed on his t-shirt, so he's obviouslly down with the law.

Billy said nothing.

He's the strong, silent type, methinks.

Why are we doing this?

I honestly don't know. Making an effort to make new friends and influence people? No... no, that's not it.

To make small boys feel really uncomfortable? No, that's just a perk.

I don't know. Why do we do half the wacky shit we do?

It's just fun.

Tomorrow I'm bringing my camera.

Oh and today at J&P's was also quite a fine time. Kelly made a Mexican Independence Day card for Elias and we all signed it.

I spilled my tossed salad and got stuck under the table trying to pick it up.

I'm not fat, they just have hardly any space between the table and the booth. It's madness.

I wonder if you can order a non-tossed salad.

"Yes, I'd like the tossed salad please, but could you maybe hold the 'tossed'? Tossing is far too chaotic for a calm soul such as myself. This tossing business is bollocks."

"Tossed." What a funny word. It sounds kind of like "toast" with a really thick Russian accent.

And then we hung out at Rite Aid. Some of us chose to buy Britney Spears pencils.

Some of us say they are a gift for "Tuan."

Some of us know better.

And the theme for the Senior Homecoming Float is something cheesey like "The Majestic States of America."

LinZ and me volunteered to be the Carolinas.

I am North Carolina. I want to dress up as Petey Pablo and tell everyone to raise up, take they shirts off, twist 'em round dey heads an' spin 'em like some helicopt-uhz.

Or I could just get Brian Johnson to come up here and walk around with me carrying a sign that says "I go to school in North Carolina, so that kind of counts!"

LinZ is going to dress up as Pedro, the mascot of the popular tourist spot nestled somewhere in the slums of South Carolina known as "South of the Border."

We are cool.

Cool is what we are.

Shut up.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1