11:48 p.m. on 09-11-02

Today is September 11th. We are supposed to be sad today.

I would be if it weren't for the comercialization and newfound trendy patriotism that has resulted from the attacks.

We're just proving them right.

Money is all that matters to us.

We are hedonistic pigs sometimes.

Freedom freedom freedom. But greed greed greed. Greedom.

Sure I like America. Freedom is good stuff. It gives me the right to say this.

They reason they attacked us because they think we're corrupt, but they were corrupt to attack us in the first place. It's a vicious cycle.

And I feel like an asshole for saying this, but the people in those towers were all going to die someday. We're all going to die someday. They just got interrupted.

Kind of a pessimistic view, I know, but it's the truth, right?

And yeah it's bad. It's awful. Pain and hurt and suffering are awful things.

But war is worse, because it just creates more of that unnecessary, painful interruption.

Killing doesn't create peace. Isn't peace what we want?

Or do we want a war to entertain us; to have live cameras from Ground Zero showing real, live, deaths of more innocent people? Don't you see, it's the new reality t.v.!

Maybe we could get some feeds from the Oval Office too, to see the prez hard at work fighting those big bad Afghanis.

I don't know, maybe the country's not that corrupt. Maybe it's just this godforsaken town I live in.

Just forgive and forget, people.

You've milked all the dignity out of it.

And you say you love your country.

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