It is a fact, I like Moog keyboards.
5:16 p.m. on 09-10-02

I experienced premium Westminister last night.

We went to Cactus Willies and Big Lots.

We bought some party noise makers (they were fresh out of bike horns) and blew them at people on the street from the windows of Tracy's faithful minivan.

We shouted "I LIKE YOUR BIKE!!" to people riding bikes.

We shouted "GET A JOB!!!" to people who looked like they needed a job.

We were the cool kids in the party van that everyone wants to be in. Or maybe just the obnoxious kids who bother people.

But I don't care because I think we're fucking awesome (like Jesus).

Because can't you just picture some hardcore Christian guy going, "Jesus is FUCKIN' AWESOME!!"

From the glorious Big Lots store I bought a little boy's t-shirt/underwear set, a plaid bra, boxer shorts, "flags of the world" stickers, some knee socks, and a CD entitled "KABOOM!" full of not-so-kabooming mid 90's alternative semi-hits.

All for under $20.

You cannot tell me that this store is not the epitome of all that is good.

Well, you could, but you would be lying.

And I like this because Matt Sharp looks like Jeff Daniels and Rivers looks like a Mexican Jesus. It's a good song, too.

And Geek Troop 314 is a really good band, but they need to get themselves a new lead singer. They also need to update their website.

And Tennesee Williams is a genious. If he weren't gay and dead, I would totally have his babies.

Because he wrote some really good plays, chock full of really good female character monolouges, which will hopefully get me into a really good arts college.

Or get me a really good part in the play, which auditions are being held for tommorrow.

It's called "The Dining Room," and it's an ensemble cast. Which is cool, because it takes a lot of pressure off when auditioning, methinks.

I start my college audition conquest this October. It will be a nerve-wracking, jet-lagging tour across the U.S., but I guess I'm looking forward to it (as much as one can).

Um, yeah. Well, blah blah school blah blah.

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