Just recieved: an email with the subject line of "Naked people! FREE!" Come on, guys, you're not even trying. Let's see some effort.
12:03 a.m. on 09-02-02

Today was a really fun day to the max.

Lin-Z, Kelly and me went to Wal*Mart and my shoes broke so I had to buy some cheap replacement water shoes instead.

I really like wearing them, though.

They are the ultimate scampering shoe.

We stayed there for about 2 hours and got a Wal*Mart buzz. You know how sometimes you start to feel really weird after you stay in Wal*Mart for too long?

That's a Wal*Mart buzz.

We bought some really cheap ghetto visors and walked around like Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

We also got some big granny panties to throw on stage at Sean O'Malley during the Charly Horse concert next Saturday.

I'm rather partial to mine. It's going to be tough giving those mammothly huge undies up.

So then we thought, hey, as long as we went to Wal*Mart, we might as well go to K-Mart too.

Don't question our logic.

We bought some Homies from the vending machine and took some suggestive pictures in the photo booth.

And then we got some pizza from some place in Finksburg and made friends with the people "behind the scenes."

They are quite Spanish.

It makes me happy to see such Spanish people.

It makes me even happier when they don't speak English very well.

And then we went back to Kelly's and watched El Club.

Spanish t.v. is glorious. Though it's kind of hard to understand when you've had 4 years of French, nearly 17 of English and 0 of Spanish.

Hm. Today was a Spanish kind of day.

But in the best kind of way.

With some hay.

On a tray.

Cooking with Bobby Flay.

June comes after May.

Baseball is a sport you can play.

Or so I'd like to say.

Feel the cool sea spray.

And watch your jeans begin to fray.

No habla espanol, por-que?

Oh, and I made a shirt that says "Wow, it feels neat to be a gangster!"

I wanted to make one that said "Jesus says the darndest things!" but I didn't have enough T's. Or balls.

It sucks to live in a community of violent Christians.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1