If you're in an odd mood and you know it, make a diary entry!
8:56 p.m. on 08-01-02

In Heaven.
You're mysterious, picky, and a bit aloof. Some people say you have a very cheery personality, but it's hard to say because you mask your emotions behind dark pretenses. You enjoy watching obscure movies and going to plays, but by the end of the day you're usually too wound-up by the ironies of your life to relax.
Which Pixies song are you?


I am aware that money is an issue with many people (including myself) these days, but some things you just need to buy.

Like toilet paper.


Fresh, clean underpants.

Godspeed You Black Emperor's spectacular CD: "Lift yr. skinny fists like antennas to heaven."

It's less of a CD, more of an...opus.

Please kids, do yourself a favor and purchase this top notch cassette disc. Or if nothing else, I'll let you borrow mine. The first 6 minutes are downright orgasmic.

Even though I'm not exactly what you'd call an expert in the orgasmic arts...um. What I'm trying to say is -- this is good music.

And I'm sexually frustrated again.

I thought making out with a boy I liked would temporarily relieve my pent up horniness...but no. Well, I guess it did provide temporary relif. But in the longrun it's just making me sad, because I live in Maryland and he lives in...not Maryland.

But look at what I did today!!

Tracy and me went shopping. She made me go into the Abercrombie and Fitch store. I retaliated.

Well, she didn't FORCE me to...I actually kind of wanted to, because I needed to buy a shirt for this neat idea I had (see above picture).

I thought Tracy would take offense at my Sharpie-armed attack on this shirt, seeing as how she is an avid 'crombie wearer. But no. She thought it was funny.


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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1