"Mom... Dad... (sip of water) I like the dope."
12:28 AM on 07-03-02

(Yes, I am aware that it is no longer July 3rd at 12:28AM, but I wrote this on paper and I'm a big dork so now I'm copying it onto this.)

Ok, nevermind. I found a new one. He's going to be a junior in college at NCSA, but he's only 19. He is smarter than the average bear. His name is Brian Johnson. His birthday is October 22nd. He made my jacket smell nice.

See, he came to our hall to talk about college life upon request of his homie Jen, our R.C. He brought a harmonica.

Brian does not play the harmonica. But Brian brought one, on the offhand chance one of us kids in the hall did.

But none of us did play the harmonica. So it was left unplayed.

However, I did perform my geometry rap and my acoustic guitar rendition of "I wanna li-li-li-lick you from your head to your toes" for him. He found it humerous.

He drinks a lot of coffee. An entire thermos. Then he moved onto the water. It was slightly compulsive, but in an adorable kind of way.

He started talking about being drunk in Mexico and wanting a unicycle for Christmas (when it was the only thing he wanted; he doesn't know why, he just did). And that is when it started.

He was talking...and I guess we both talk in similar ways. We pause a lot and have a varied vocabulary. We enjoy similar types of music and other pastimes, and are pretty awkward kids.

He reminds me of Ryan. But even more goofy, if that's possible.

This of course led my dormies to yell out things, saying that we were soulmates and such.

Krista took it upon herself to tell us that we should make millions of babies.

I think she might be onto something, there. I think we should give that a try.

So right as he was leaving, Jen said, "Hey Brian Johnson, how would you feel about taking one of these fine ladies out on a date?"

So then Brian said, "Well, like I said, I'm a very poor man..."

So then Krista said, "What if money didn't matter?"

So then Brian looked around for a minute and blushed and said, "See, I'm 19...and there are these laws the U.S. government has set up that make it illegal for..."

So then I yelled, "What?! We don't have to have sex YET!"

So then he looks at the ground and smiles and runs out the door.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1