I'm picking out a thermos for you / Not just an ordinary thermos for you / But the extra-best thermos money can buy / With vinyl, and stripes, and a cup built right in!
9:26 p.m. on 05-10-02

I was on Prestige Cable Channel 3 Evening News!

Today: local cable. Tomorrow: the world! Well, re-runs on local cable, anyway.

I was crying and freaking out in general.

Not when I saw myself on tv. I think that would be taking it to the extreme just a tad.

But the me ON tv...was crying. From the thingy yesterday. And then I commented on something. I think it was my dad. I can't remember.

But I was on TV!!! Egad!

Well, I would say that that was the highlight of the evening, but then my mom started to sing along with Quiet Riot's "Cum on feel the noize."

We were watching VH1's top 100 one hit wonders and when Quiet Riot came on she said,

"That really is a catchy tune. (girlish laughter) Oooh! 'Metal Health'!! What a clever title for a record!"

And then she made some comment on how she thinks Jim Morrison is really hot.

My mom is da bomb. Tru, tru dat.

This filled me with glee.

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1