The next time someone asks me what time it is, I'll say "it's MORPHIN time!"
10:43 p.m. on 05-06-02

Guess who's playing a hysterical girl whose best friend just died because Brad was driving drunk in a car wreck re-enactment to be performed for the entire Prom-going student body? And guess who is unreasonably excited about it?

Well, it's certainly not me.

Heh. Actually, it is me. On both counts.

I was just yanking your chain.

Remember when people used to say that? I remember some Corn Pops commercial where the guy was like, "Man, you gotta quit yankin' my chain!"


So I'm excited. I've always wanted to play a car wreck victim. Well. Maybe not *always*. But I have always wanted to beat Brad up in a fit of passion.

Actually, doing anything with Brad in a fit of passion would be nice...

You know, like baking cookies. Or math homework. Or speed walking. Perhaps brewing some Lipton raspberry iced tea. With PASSION.

And also, I bought "The Jerk" tonight. What a spectacularly nutty movie.

See, I bought it with a Russian accent. Just for fun, you know. To see if the clerk noticed that I'm not actually Russian.

He didn't notice. He asked me where I was from.

And then I am to be telling to this man that I am one forgein exchange student from a city place on outside part of Moscow. Is chilly this time year. No? To please apologize for the English that is broken. I am sorry, please.

I'm going to start speaking broken English just for the hell of it. It's so gosh darned fun.

Ooooh boy, Prom is coming up. This will be interesting. I didn't expect him to say "yes."

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