I don' think yo ready fo' dis jellay.
11:15 p.m. on 05-05-02

"This morning, I stood with refrigerator door open for 45 minutes; just because I could. Wanna come in for some milk? We can drink it straight from the carton." - the liberating words of Pete Wrigley, a true renegade.

If you poke my belly, I will explode.

That's how much pizza I ate tonight. Then I chased it with some Cap'n Crunch Berries cereal, just to see if I could handle it. (All the while singing to myself, "Megan, can you handle dis? Cuz ah don' think you can handle dis, woo!")

Well. There was nothing better to do. And I was kinda hungry.

So then that led me to picturing Pat dancing alongside Destiny's Child in their "Bootyliscious" video.

Every time I start to drift off to sleep or reach a point of extreme calmness, this image (well, in motion, of course) pops up into my head:

Why? I don't know. It really shakes me up. The boy can sure cut a rug, Beyonce-style.

But to end this on a humerous note, wasn't it great tonight when Mr. T was reading his Pity List on the NBC tribute? He said,

"I pity Alf; because he never got to eat the cat."

And also, when they showed that "Land Shark" clip.

(knock knock)

Woman: "Who is it?"


Woman: "Oh! From who?"

"Um. Candygram."

Woman: "Candy! How wonderful! Who sent it?"

"Uh. Plumber."

Woman: "Wait a second, I know what this is. You're that clever land shark, aren't you?"

"No, mam, I'm just a dolphin."

Woman: "Oh, well in that case!"

(opens door, the land shark eats her)

I'm still not done laughing.

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1