2:39 p.m. on 03-31-02

are bad. I think. I think they're bad if you become dependant on them to feel happy. And I think it's funny that so many people feel that they "expand your mind," even though they're actually destroying it.

I fully support the legalization of marijuanna, though. Because illegal or legal, people are always going to smoke it. And that's their own business. It's one of the less serious drugs, in my opinon. No one is going to die from a pot overdose. But they can from alcohol poisoning. If any drug should be illegal, it should be alcohol.

I think people can get more violent when they're drunk than when they're high, too. My grandfather threatened to kill his wife, my mom, and my uncle numerous times when he was drunk. He was an ugly drunk. But then there's people like my dad and my sister...who are just goofy when they're drunk. And my mom just drinks lightly - but constantly. Though she's cutting back now; I think my whole family is.

Because of all that alcohol abuse that's been present in my family, I don't think I'll ever use it. I've drank before, and I don't like it. I think I have a very low tolerance (which is beyond me, because I have predominantly Irish genes), because after just one beer I'll get a really bad headache and get really dizzy. And I want to barf. And I don't see how that's fun.

Personally, I have no desire to alter my state of consciousness. I don't like losing control of myself. I've always viewed stoners as a silly group. They just seem too goofy to be alive. And I never want to be that. That's such a waste.

But despite that, I do know myself. And I know my low tolerance for peer pressure. So I probably will end up trying marijuanna sometime in my life. Just to see what the hype is all about. Probably not in the near future though, because I have more important things like my future and college to worry about.

I'll probably try it after I'm wildly famous and can get off doing just about anything short of murder. And even some famous people do get away with that.


But I don't like those people who preach the negative effects of drugs. There are negative effects in everything we do. Going out in the sun unprotected causes skin cancer. But I don't see anyone trying to make unprotected skin illegal. I'm going to start a campaign for the illegalization of SPF-free skin. IT CAUSES CANCER. Right?

Plus, we have much more important things to be worrying about than druggies. Take the ozone layer. Hey -- where is it going?! I think we need that; unless we want to be radiated to death with harmful ultraviolet sun rays.

Which reminds me, don't you hate it when you wear sunglasses that are UVB protectant, but forget to put sunblock on the rest of your face so at the end of the day you have this sunglasses line? That's just the worst. Then you go out and try to tan your eyelids. But it just doesn't work.

The sun is supposed to burn for another 5 billion years, but that won't do us any good because we'll have destroyed the Earth with our pollution and carelessness by then.

The way I see it is we either focus on more global problems, like keeping our planet alive, or we focus on individual problems like keeping a few druggies alive. (Yes, I realize that there are more than "a few" druggies in the world. But if you take the worlds population, and then you take the druggie population, the numbers are crushing.)

Oh god, and don't get me started on prisons. Something like 75% of all prisoners are in prison for drug-related matters. And the prison population rate has been rising greatly. If we didn't put people in prison for dealing/using/posessing drugs -- then think of all the money we would save! Less taxes for keeping the prisons livable -- there would be plenty of room for all the murderers and rapists and petty theifs; with all the drug lords out there living their short, pointless lives and not crowding up the prisons. More money for MORE IMPORTANT THINGS.

It's time the government gave up on this war against drugs -- they lost. Hell, I bet half of the senate are blazing up when they come home from work. I know I would be if I worked on Capitol Hill.

Think of how many less murders there would be with legalized drugs. Think of how much less pollution there would be. Think of all the rainbows and flowing rivers that would result in this legalization. Think of how many Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson movies would be destroyed. Well, that's all speculation. But I bet the world would improve slightly.

Or it might not. Maybe it would get worse. Either way, I say we give it a shot. A trial period. Lets say -- one year. One year with legalized drugs. Lets just see where we are then.

Maybe the government was just bored, and that's why they decided to illegalize drugs. There was nothing else to do. They needed something to fight about and campaign for. Police need jobs. We'd probably have to fire about half of the force if they were legalized. But come on, did they honestly think "if we make this illegal, then people won't do it! What a brilliant plan!"

This is kind of unrelated -- but do you remember that big marijuanna bust back in October? Do you know how they got rid of it??! They BURNED it!

Smart, guys. Reeeeeal smart. Burning marijuanna to get rid of it. Bonus points, for that one. And this was authorized, by the way. I can just imagine those policemen... "Oh, eeuhhh, *cough* um, yeah, I thought it would you know, like be a good idea to burn the confiscated *cough* drugs bec...becau...because -- hey! Doritos! COOL!!"

Bottom line is: we have the RIGHT to destroy our bodies. They're our property.

Actually, I'm just practicing for a debate I have to do in my Issues class on the legalization of drugs.

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