it always seems to leave me happy
5:56 p.m. on 03-06-02

My dad likes to write me really goofy post-it notes. He puts them in my lunchbox. They say stuff like, "Hey yo! What's happening? Love, Dad." He really is the coolest human being on the planet.

But anyway.

Today my friends and me decided to write him a little note too... to thank him. Among the highlights are:

"Either you're insane; or you're so sane that you just blew my mind! (Or both. And neither). You're welcome." - Katie

"Even though he's not comfortable with vocalizing his emotions, Bobby really likes you."

"I respect your affinity to turtlenecks."

"Hey, hey!" - Brad

"Bobby burped out of respect and fear for your likeness to Santa."

"Mr. Boyle you are "1" sexy bitch!" - Nancy

"I appriciate your existance. You have changed my world." - Lindsay

I appriciate you <----THIS----> much!" - a happy face

"Dear Sir,
Your energy is compelling. You inspire me to be all I can be. I respect you and I admire your efforts. I just want you to know how much I appriciate you. Yours, Tracy Taylor."

This is what I said.
"Dear Dad, I love you a lot. Sometimes in the morning I can hear you blow your nose in the shower and it's ok. Love your daughter, Megan."

I think he'll honestly like it. Because my friends are the best. That's all. =megan=

Music: "Happy" - The Special Goodness

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1