As if I could live off of words and dreams and a million screams...oh, how I need a hand in mine to feel.
2:02 a.m. on 02-02-02

Now here is something that no matter what, I will never understand. Why is it that when it's late at night - and I mean really late at night, more like early morning actually - Mtv and all of its ilk practically only show dance and hip hop videos. The hip hop kids are not watching tv this late. The hip hop kids are out bling blingin' it at the clubs and having sex. The lonely indie-rock kids are at home, alone (as usual), watching tv at 1:30 in the morning. We don't typically enjoy Destiny's Child. We are not bootyliscious. No.

Basically that's the only thing that's on at 2 in the morning. Well, that, and porn. Which I'm not such an avid watcher of, being the 16 year old girl that I am. Oh yes, and the infomercials. Which can be quite captivating when you're going on your 30th sleep-free hour. I like tv. It gives me something to look at.

Want to hear something funny?

"I just want to take him home and feed him milk and cookies and tell him that everything's going to be alright. But he can only stay for 10 minutes. Because he's just too weird. Poor little shaver." - My mom, on the topic of Rivers Cuomo

Yep, that's my momma. She also said something about how she wants to give Rivers a big hug and adopt him or something. She's always saying she wants to adopt people. She wants to adopt Nick Williard, the Hindu lady at the drive-thru window at Dairy Queen, her personal trainer - Josh, Mrs. Schnorr, and most of my friends. Even though she already has a daughter. Two, actually. I feel so inadequate.

Aaaaaaaaagh. Creed. They're such parodies of themselves. "Oh, eeeuuh, um, you know...God and stuff. Yeeah. We're deep. We're better than Led Zepplin. We're Creed." - Scott Stapp.


Nobody likes you!!!

Or at least I don't. And that's enough of a reason for you to shut the hell up. =megan=

Music: Pavement - "Transport Is Arranged"

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1