11:02 a.m. on 01-12-02

My last entry was semi-disturbing. So I think I should just write one assuring that I'm...not disturbed. That much. I was just really, really deprived of sleep that night. It was around 2 in the morning, and I was studying for midterms and finishing quarter projects and a whole bunch of other stuff I put off until the last minute.

I was just thinking. About the whole Afghanistan thing. And how I totally disagree with my dad's and sister's standpoints on what we as a country should do about it. They're all for war and killing Osama Bin Laden. That pisses me off.

First of all, they had a reason for bombing us like that. True; that doesn't put all those deaths of innocent people to justice, and by all means they did not deserve to die, but it was supposed to give us a wake up call.

They don't like America because we're incredibly materialistic and hedonistic. We're the richest country in the world but we still complain that we don't have enough. That pisses me off. And although I do really like material things, who wouldn't, I think we're all a little too fixated on gaining them and getting more fucking money. Money doesn't buy happiness.

So I can see why they hate America. We have more than them.

However, killing Bin Laden won't help anything. One man dies, but the conflict is still present. Extreme nationalism of any kind only results in conflict. They're extreme, and (well, now anyway) we're extreme, and thousands of people had to die just because of a few peoples self-righteousness.

Thinking that we're the best country in the world is incredibly arrogant. Good. You enjoy living here. Even though we are NOT a free country. Because people are getting killed for being who they are every day. If we were free, then no one would have to die because they're liberal or conservative or straight or gay or religious or non-religious. People came here for freedom from religious persecution (among other things), but 200 sum years later people are still having petty fights and murdering because of someone's standpoint on something. Anything, really.


This has gotten me really riled up, and I can't figure out how to say what else is going on in my head. So I think I'll stop. =megan=

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