Rambling. Mostly about underwear. (????)
11:35 p.m. on 01-07-02

Happy birthday to Nicolas Cage. I used to be in love with Nicolas Cage, when I was around 12 years old. It all started with "Leaving Las Vegas." That triggered my obsession. Such acting. Such eyes. So pretty. He was my 2nd celebrity infatuation. The 1st being Rick Moranis. My-my-my-my Moranis. Alright, enough of this reminiscing nonsense.

I was just reading these correspondants from Rivers Cuomo and some Weezer fans on weezon.com. If they are in fact, real conversations that have gone on, then all I have to say is...wow. What a guy. I think he actually genuinely cares about what his fans think of the music. That's so wonderful. Rare, and wonderful. Like Pandas. Well. Kind of.

It sounds like the new album(s) will be really really nice. Better than Green, I'm hoping. Green was ok. But just ok. Blue was genious, and Pinkerton was God. Green was...Ted Dansen. He's just ok. You know?

Anyway, I shopped today. I haven't shopped for awhile. I went into *gasp* Victoria's Secret. And I bought things. I'm not sure what compelled me to do this. I think I was trying to overcome my irrational fear of underwear shopping or...something. Even walking by Vicoria's Secret has always made me a little uncomforable. I think I might be Amish.

I think this is all caused by one time when I went in there, alone, when I was around 14 or so; still young and impressionable to the whole lingerie scene. I was just nonchalantly browsing around, when some random 30something guy starts hitting on me, and telling me he thought I'd look good in (holding up pair of barely existent skivvies) "these."

Alright. Now THAT I just do not understand. They're charging 24 bucks for an elastic string with a tiny slice of cotton attached to it. What?? Did I miss something here; or isn't that just a little unreasonable? I have thong issues.

The guys who first marketed the thong are geniouses. "Hm, lets use the least possible amount of material for this, and get Sisqo to write a song about it. Then everybody will want one and we can charge them senseless amounts of money." All the while they're secretly snickering behind our backs because they KNOW how goddamned uncomfortable and impractical thongs are. And they're billionares now. Sick, money hungry bastards. =megan=

My house smells like TURKEY!!!! Nobody has made any turkey here...nobody!! What is going ON?!?!!

Music: White Stripes - "Hotel Yorba"
Comments: YEEEEEHAW!

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