11:58 p.m. on 01-05-02

You know, I've been thinking. I should really update this little guy. But I don't really have anything that eventful to write about. Nothing I can put into words, anyway. And if I did it would sound pretty insane. So I'd rather not. It's not like anybody reads this rubbish anyway.

Well, except for me on occasion, sadly. It's kind of fun to remember why I wrote some stuff and what was going on when I did.

I can still remember the theme to "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air." This occured to me when some of my buddies and me were sitting around in Newspaper and...well, I can't really remember how it came about, but we just all started singing it. Or, rapping, I should say. And it was neat.

Oh boy. Don't know where that came from.

Time to go. I leave you with some noncoherant Haiku poetry. =megan=

Neat-o song: "Your House (Rock Version)" - Jimmy Eat World

Olympic salsa
Feel it, baby, feel it good
Burning up the track.

Please do not shake me
Recap when not in use, homes
Quick drying action.

It's missing, you know
Give back what's rightfully mine
My underwear, fiend!

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e - mail!!1

185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1