1:32 a.m. on 12-31-01

Oh boy. What a day I've had. It's been lazy, I'll tell you that. I made it a point to only get up when absolutely necessary; like to get food, use the bathroom facility, or run a marathon. (Well, just kidding about that last one). Why? I'm not sure. Just haven't had a super non-eventful day for awhile, and I thought it was about damn time to quit utilizing my energy and being so productive.

Last night was a party at Stephanie's. It was alright. A little awkward, since the only people who were really talking were me, Katie, Jill, and Pat. The whole party had kind of a weird vibe; everyone was unusally untalkative. My friends aren't really known for their lack of things to say. Hm. Well, anyway.

So I just came upstairs from this sad little movie marathon I've been having of really depressing, but well made movies. First I watched American Beauty, one of my all-time favorites. Granted, not the happiest of movies, but pretty thought-provoking. And oh, Wes Bentley. He could smack my ass and call me Judy anyday. I think it's the voice. I love his voice. Mmm...voice...

Last night I rented Requiem for a Dream, and thought I'd watch that, not really knowing what I was getting into. So, I did, and wow. I can honestly say that's one of the most fucked up movies I've ever seen. I kept on waiting for a happy ending...but no. None. It just made me want to go hug my parents, and tell them I'd never do i.v. drugs.

After that whole mess, I thought: ok, Megan, why don't you just see if there are any happy movies on the telly tonight. When I came across "Dancer in the Dark."

"a young mother hides her diminishing sight from her co-workers and the director of the musical in which she will soon star."

Sounds like fun...Bjork stumbling around while other people watch in amusement. And, she's in a musical. La la la. This will cheer me up.

They didn't happen to mention in the synopsis that it's heartbreakingly make-my-face-all-blotchy-with-tears sad. I haven't cried that much during a movie since "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Bjork's a very good actress. Now I want to kill myself.

Not really. It's just watching 3 sad, sad movies in a row can kind of rub off on you a little. And the parentals are asleep, and it's dark, and I'm lonely. I just gave up on the "watch tv until you get happy" thing, because I'd probably just find some other wonderfully gutwrenchingly brilliant movie that would make me cry. Again. Bad tv karma tonight.

Oh. I had a really, really good dream last night, too. It was the springtime, and my sister was getting married, but she didn't know it. We (as in my family) kind of planned a "surprise wedding" for her. You know, like, "Surprise! You're getting married!" Well, it seemed like a good idea in the dream, anyway.

It was really warm and sunny, and Beck (as in "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?" Beck) was there. This is odd, because neither my sister, nor anyone in my immidiate family, is friends with Beck. He didn't talk much, but I was following him down my old driveway into the woods. Then he went into this old vintage clothing store, and I followed him. But I couldn't find him. And I really wanted to, because he's hot.

There were other quirky little details, too. It just felt really nice; and I remember waking up with a feeling like I didn't want it to end.

Well, just thought I'd write to let you know. =megan=

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185 Things!!1
omgz lolz!!1
me, naked!!1