2:09 p.m. on 12-26-01

This whole week has been going by too crazily fast. Christmas was fun...but really, when is it not? Presents are fun, too. I got lots of them. The greedy little girl inside of me tore up wrapping after wrapping until there was nothing left. I love them all.

Last year at this time I would be driving to New York City with my family, listening to Weezer, and thinking to myself, "hey, next year at this time I'll be a Junior; how weird is that?". So next year I'll be a senior. Wow. Time flies.

Hmm. Last night was weird. I watched SLC Punk and Office Space, among others, until 4:45AM. Then I fell asleep on the couch. Then I got up at 8:00, straightened up the room, and went up to my room to finish the movie I had fallen asleep watching. Then, at 10:00AM I thought I should get to bed. That sounds bizarre enough in itself. But I just woke up. And it's 2:00 in the afternoon. In the words of Erica Sansing, awwwwwwwww man.

I had a weird dream last ?night? too. There was this huge magnetic field in space, and all of the houses in America kind of stuck together to form this gigantic tower that went up into space for miles. It was really quiet, and then someone towards the bottom screamed "WE'RE OUT OF JUICE!", and then the whole tower started whispering "juice" over and over. It was very, very odd. But kind of funny.

And I had a school dance to go to, and I was late, and everything was going in slow motion, and I didn't know how I'd get back down to Earth because I was millions of feet into space. But somehow I got down to the dance, and they wouldn't let me in because I was "one of those space people." Figures.

So then I woke up. And I'm doing this. I think I'll go do something else now. =megan=

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me, naked!!1